Chapter 1

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"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Penelope- "P" to her friends- glanced over the crowd, her dark brown eyes in awe. It was estimated that nearly 2 million people filled the DC streets despite the bitter January air to attend the inauguration.

"It is my sincere honor to present to you the 50th president of the United States, Robert Conoroy!" The Chief Justice stepped to the side, allowing P's husband Bobby to take over the podium.

The crowd emitted a continuous sound of joy as Bobby raised his hands to greet them. He began his flawless speech, but Penelope was too nervous to listen. So many important Americans stood on the Capitol steps, looking on approvingly. She could only hope that Bobby could solve the looming problems that lay ahead of them during his time in office, it seemed that the future of the globe depended on it.

Her husband spoke on his plan, "The New Generation," fittingly named, because he was only 39, the youngest president in American history. A somewhat-experienced Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, Bobby was elected based on his innovative plans and well rounded posse -- men and women experts in their fields, a support system crucial to a successful presidency.

P looked to Bobby and smiled, he was handsome- dark hair and features- and his voice was strong as it projected over the thousands of people filling the DC streets. He amazed her since the day they met many years before, just 25 and 20, a coincidence that created an inseparable pair.

The audience's noise level rose to deafening, and Bobby waved one last time. He walked to her and held out an arm. The couple walked off of the stage and into the heated building.

"You did wonderfully," she breathed proudly, kissing her husband on the cheek.

He smiled and brushed a few stray snowflakes from her dark brown hair. "If I didn't have you to read it to every night for 2 months it wouldn't have went as smoothly."

"I am so proud." P kissed Bobby one more time before one of her newly appointed aides, Becky, hustled over.

"We are going to do a makeup change before the luncheon."

Penelope squeezed Bobby's hand before she was rushed off to a back room in the Capitol building where her hair was refluffed and her makeup was freshened up.

"Are the kids still with Bob's mom?" Penelope asked as best as she could through a flurry of brushes and powders.

Her brand new Press Secretary, Liza, nodded her head. "We are bringing them in for the parade later."

P nodded and allowed the aides to take off her black evening coat to reveal her form fitting red dress. Her favorite diamond pin was replaced on her dress, and the aides and Liza gave her an approving nod.

"Let's get you down to meet Bobby."

Penelope followed the secret service men, whom still didn't seem real, to a back room filled with staff members bustling to get things ready.

"Mrs. Conoroy, isn't this the most amazing spectacle you've ever seen?"

Penelope turned to see Miranda, the new Second Lady, looking flushed. She sighed. "Please call me P, or Penelope, at least."

Miranda, a woman in her 50s shook her head. "That's ridiculous."

The Vice President Dean Huntington and his family were a little different, but Bobby decided that Dean was an experienced military man and would be valuable in the current situation. They were traditionalist from the South, Democrats of course, but the generational gap created some differences between the First and Second families.

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