Chapter 15

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"Thank you all for having me," P greeted. The class of elementary school children squirmed excitedly in their seats. Parents sat in a line on the back wall of the class room and snapped photos in a continuous cycle.

"I have a daughter who will be starting kindergarten in the fall, and I hope her teacher is as nice as yours." The young teacher blushed at P's compliment. "I wanted to come here today to talk to you guys about how important school is."

P made her quick little talk about the importance of being good students not only when you are older, but in elementary school as well. She interrupted the speech with prizes for answering questions, and then she was given a tour of the class room by eager 6 year olds.

There were the standard pictures afterwards- Liza was standing in the hallway giving P the sign to 'Hurry' the whole time. Her Chief of Staff was unable to contain herself, and walked briskly into the room before announcing, "Mrs. Conoroy will be late to her next appointment."

P smiled apologetically and waved to the children. "Thank you for having me!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Conoroy!" they shouted in unison.

As the two women bustled out of the room, flanked by P's social secretary Anne and Mr. George, P looked to Liza sternly. "I was having fun with the kids."

"You have an interview with a reporter from Life Magazine to talk about what you did to the residence in ten minutes and then you have to be at the opening of the new Smithsonian wing- not to mention you have a State Dinner tonight."

P didn't say anything. She didn't want to seem distant and uncaring when she met people, and with Liza rushing her around it was nearly impossible to connect with them.

"Into the cars!" Liza snapped when the entourage made it outside. P always rode by herself- it was lonely, but customary. After she had climbed in, there was a sharp knock on her window. P rolled it down allowing Liza to shove a black garment bag through. "You have to change in the car, the reporter and cameras are already waiting for you in the residence."

P sighed and rolled up the darkly tinted window. Inside the bag was the outfit P and Liza had picked out together. She took off her more casual outfit and tossed it to the side as the secret service agent began the short drive from the school back to the White House. She struggled to zip up her pale pink Valentino dress as the car went around corners. P just managed to tug on white pointed toe heels when the car came to a stop outside of the portico entrance.

"Ready?" Liza asked as P climbed out of the car.

"Ready." P stuck in some pearl earrings and Liza brushed her hair into place as they walked.

P and Liza slowed their pace as they entered the residence where the reporter and camera crew sat. "Mrs. Conoroy," the reporter greeted, holding out her hand.

P gave the group a tour of the residence. She explained each item she had pulled from the National Archives to display in her home. P showed them her modern touches and the small amount of furniture she had brought from her home in Massachusetts.

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