Chapter 10

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"Mrs. Conoroy, the President and First Lady of Mexico will be arriving soon," Liza called softly through the heavy wooden door that led to P and Bobby's bedroom.

P fluffed her shoulder length brown hair in the mirror and reapplied her nude lipstick before she joined Liza in the sitting hall. "Mr. Conoroy took the children down to the Diplomatic Reception Room already, they are all waiting on you."

"Thanks, Liza." P buckled her tan overcoat around her brightly printed Dolce and Gabbana floral dress and let herself out of the residence. Though P knew she wouldn't be able to function without Liza's anal organization, her Chief of Staff seemed to always find a way to slip in a snide comment.

Earlier in the day, a formal State Arrival Ceremony had welcomed the President and First Lady of Mexico to the White House. P and Bobby had nearly been blinded by cameras and deafened by trumpets wailing both country's national anthems, but both of their white smiles had been broadcasted over every news station in America. Apparently their good spirits had encouraged journalists to inform the American people that the war must be going well, after all, First Lady Penelope Conoroy was wearing red heels.

Now, around 2 pm, the President and First Lady of Mexico were returning with their 6 children and a special gift. The White House had decided to let a few select news channels be present to broadcast the event across the country. Bobby told P early that morning that the importance of the State Visit was to show the bond between the US and Mexico. Mexico was apparently playing a crucial role in selling the US government cheap supplies that would be manufactured into guns in US factories.

"Mommy!" Manon's little voice squealed. P's daughter would be turning 5 the next day, and a party was being planned to celebrate the big day. "Do you know what the surprise is?"

"I don't," P admitted, bending down to button up her daughter's sea foam green overcoat.

"P, how'd you like that ceremony this morning? It was a lot different than when the Princess came, wasn't it?" Bobby asked from a couch where he and Ben were reading a picture book.

"It was! I'm also so glad I can speak Spanish," P laughed. "I am excited for the State Dinner tonight, I tasted some of the items from the menu yesterday. The White House Mexican food is so much better than that little restaurant by our old house."

"The Mexican Motorcade is here, Mr. President," a secret service agent said from the doorway.

"Thanks, John," Bobby answered. P noticed that her husband now knew just about every staff member's name in the White House, how, she had no idea.

P and Bobby linked arms and each took and hand of Manon and Ben before they walked out to meet the First Family of Mexico and their surprise.

On the South Lawn, the President of Mexico, José Hernando and his family were in a neat line. His children, ranging from around 15 to 3, were all beaming in similar red outfits. A girl that looked to be around ten stepped from the row and curtsied in front of P. "Mrs. Conoroy, we have a gift for you and your family."

"Thank you..." P trailed off, allowing the girl to introduce herself, "...Isabella."

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