Chapter 12

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"Are you excited?" P asked Poppy.

The Princess nodded. "Of course! This is my first tour, and I get to spend it with one of my best friends."

The two women stepped from Marine Force One, the Presidential helicopter, onto the pavement. The blades shut off immediately so their perfect hair wouldn't be messed up. Press had been allowed to arrive at the airport to film P and Poppy's for a brief moment while they walked from the Presidential helicopter to a plane nearly identical to Air Force One. When both women were climbing the stairs up to the plane, they turned and waved to the flashing cameras.

Once inside, P lead Poppy to her favorite sitting area on the plane. They ordered their breakfasts from a staff member and had a moment to breath. "This is a beautiful airplane," Poppy complimented.

"It definitely beats flying coach," P agreed.

"Tell me about your life before all of this," Poppy said lightly, taking a drink of her tea.

"I was a nurse," P started thoughtfully. "I met Bobby right when I started working- I was twenty. I took care of him after he and his brother, Michael, got in a sailing accident. He was a Congressman then."

"And you fell in love that day?" Poppy asked dreamily.

"I did. He gave me his card and took me out to all these fancy parties and dinners. It's all a blur, it was a whirlwind of so much luxury and importance. I hadn't ever seen anything like it, when my parents were alive we were just a normal family. Bobby and his family were so- I don't know how I explain it. They were all so amazing. Successful, good looking, rich. But somehow they are all so nice and genuine. That's why I really love Bobby. He's just a good person, all the way through." P smiled, thinking of her husband. "We got married 3 years later. So it's been nearly 15 years."

P looked at Poppy, who had a dreamy look on her face. "Will was a cook in the kitchen. He never treated me like a Princess, and I loved that about him."

"You just want to feel normal?" P questioned.

"Exactly. I like the way he makes me feel."

"I know it must be hard being born into a life like yours. You are very privileged and lucky, but I know that being in the spotlight is tough. I've been in the White House for a month and I can't stand the press."

"I feel the same way." Poppy looked out the window when the plane began to move. "They are so irritating."

"I'll never get used to how people are so interested in my life. They line up at the fence to see Manon and Ben play on their swing set, they copy what I wear, they want to see pictures of the kids and Bobby, and they feel that they are entitled to it."

Poppy nodded. "Oh, I know how you feel. I appreciate and love everyone in my country, but I don't think anyone understands what it's like being in the spotlight."

"I met some people that were on a White House tour yesterday, and they were calling me by my first name, and talking about my kids and what they like to play, and my favorite books and food. They know so much about me with out really knowing me, you know?"

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