Chapter 6

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"Come on, Ben," P urged. Her little boy sighed and rolled over in his bed, ignoring her.

"It's time to meet the Queen!"

That peaked Ben's interest. He allowed P to pick him up and carry him from the Spanish Room to one of the luxurious bathrooms. She filled the tub with warm water and her usual bubble bath soap. One of the perks of visiting the Royal Family was how comfortable they made the Belgian Suite at Buckingham Palace. The Conoroy's favorite foods and products filled the gorgeous suite. It was decorated in traditional royal style, meant to give the family a glimpse into what it is like to be the Monarch of England.

"Mrs. Conoroy?" a voice called from the hallway. P looked up and smiled at her temporary lady-in-waiting, Bridgette, a pretty young blonde woman assigned by the Queen to help P during her visit.


"Would you like me to have someone bathe Benjamin for you so you can get ready for your day?"

"I don't mind, really. I'll have plenty of time."

P didn't have enough time. When Manon came in from eating breakfast, ready for her bath, P was rushing. She decided it would be best for an aide to get the kids ready, so she could do so herself.

Penelope dressed in a blue and white floral-jacquard dress, white pointed toe heels, and added a pearl necklace and earrings. Her shoulder length hair was fluffed up into its usual style, and her minimal makeup was applied by her own White House team. P admired her dress in the mirror.

"You look beautiful, Mrs. Conoroy," Bridgette admired.

"Thank you, and thanks again for helping me out so much. Things are getting a little overwhelming, with the war and all."

Bridgette smiled. "Yes. My husband, Harold- he decided to enlist. I just saw him off yesterday."

"Oh, Bridgette." P didn't know what to say. She was in Britain, being pampered and taken care of, dressing up to meet the queen while another woman said goodbye to her husband for what could be the last time.

"It's alright. He wants to help out. We both think what is going on there is not right."

P agreed with Bridgette- Mohammed's forces weren't doing what was right. Their Socialist government was one thing. The persecution of anyone who felt differently, murder of government officials, and the forcing of their beliefs on surrounding areas was the thing that really got P's attention. She was a very 'do whatever you want' kind of person, as long as it doesn't hurt others. What Mohammed was doing hurt others.

"Is Bobby still here?" P called, the question open for any one of the many people in the suite to answer.

"He's left for his meeting with the Prime Minister," a familiar voice answered. Liza bustled into the room, carrying Manon. "Your daughter is requesting your presence."

AlliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora