Chapter 3

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"Mommy?" a soft voice called in P's ear.

She blinked open her eyes and tried to see in the dark room. "Mommy?"

Ben and Manon stood on the edge of the bed, looking at her expectantly. "Hello, my friends," P greeted sleepily.

The kids giggled and climbed into the bed, immediately ruining the morning peacefulness, which was rare, especially during the past few years of campaigning. Bobby ignored the first few little pokes before he jumped up and pinned down little Nannie and Ben. They squealed and laughed as he tickled them under the fluffy white covers.

"Mommy help!"

Penelope rescued her children and cuddled them close to her for just a moment before they forced her to get up. She sent the kids off to play while she showered and got dressed. Her pale pink Valentino dress, white pointed toe heels, and a string of pearls made her feel like a real First Lady.

She decided to do her own hair that morning, and let it fall in bouncy waves to her shoulders. It didn't take much makeup to make her pretty face look flawless.

There was a knock on her bedroom door. It opened promptly, revealing Liza. "You are going down to your office today to meet with a few cabinet members about your role over the next couple of weeks."

"Okay, sounds like a plan."

An aide promised to get the kids ready for the day, and after P kissed her family goodbye she was out the door, being escorted down to her office. It was another room to be designed to her taste. The walls had been painted a medium gray and modern, comfortable furniture filled the room. Pictures of Nannie and Ben sat neatly on her desk; the spot designated for her own official White House portrait was empty on the wall until they were taken- scheduled for the next day.

"The Secretary of State and Speaker of the House will be arriving in 2 minutes."

P nodded to the secret service agent. She heard him say sharply into his earpiece, "Pearl is standing."

Penelope had subtly noticed the family member's code names over their first few days in the White House- Patriot, Pearl, Peony, and Pride.

The doors to her office opened and two men walked in, wearing similar expensive suits. George Miller, Speaker of the House, was in his 60s with white hair and a friendly smile. Bill Riley, Secretary of State, was around 50- a smooth man with fox-like eyes and black hair.

"Hello, Mrs. Conoroy," George greeted, shaking her hand firmly.

Bill nodded to her and held out his hand. It was cool, and he pulled her a little closer as he shook it. "How is the First Lady life treating you?"

She smiled warily. "Amazing. My husband and I are so grateful."

"I'm sure he is."

P didn't react to the slightly snide comment or the double meaning she picked up on. "Let's talk business."

"We are hoping that while you are on tour you can simply rally people behind Mr. President. It is very important in a situation like this one for success." George leaned forward, clearly passionate about his job. "Just look at Vietnam. It was a failure one main reason. No one supported the war. It truly is the only war America lost."

"You are young and attractive, use it to your advantage."

P looked at Bill sharply before turning back to George. "I agree with Bill," he started. "One of the largest attractions of the Kennedy administration was Jack and Jackie's young family. You and Mr. President are in a very similar situation."

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