Chapter 8

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"Well isn't this weird?" P asked her children. Manon and Ben nodded, all three heads poking inside of the dark master bedroom.

"I'll wake up Daddy and then we can go," P said with a smile.

Ben and Manon could only squeal and run back to the sitting room. Her kids were bursting with excitement, today was the day they would be picking out the First Dog, apparently a very important part of the First Family.

"Bobby," P roused her husband gently.

"What time is it?" he asked, his usual greeting in the morning.

"Time to get the dog." P stood back as Bobby jumped out of bed and flicked on the lights. "How come you are sleeping now?"

"Cause I'm so tired."

"That didn't help you before," P called through the dressing room door. "Have you been sleeping through the night?"

"Oh, yeah." Bobby appeared, wearing a button up white shirt, thin black tie, and black dress pants. "The kids excited?"

"Of course." P pecked her husband on the cheek and they joined the kids in the sitting room.

"Time to get a dog!" Bobby called, sending Manon and Ben into another screaming fit.

The First Family walked down to the White House garage, any car lover's dream. Bobby and P had their personal cars stored inside, though they were never driven. P's black Range Rover was one of her favorite things, and it made her sad to see it, looking dusty, sitting under the florescent lights. P and Bobby got the kids into their car seats inside of the armored Cadillac limousine. She smiled at a dog crate that was already inside, ready for their new addition.

P pushed a small black button on the wall of the limo next to her. "Has the adoption center been sweeped and closed down?"

The driver responded through the intercom. "Yes, Mrs. Conoroy. We will have two agents with you as well."

"Thank you."

P turned to Bobby who was shaking his head. "You worry too much."

"A President during war is not the safest position."

Bobby grasped P's hand and didn't say anything. The driving agent drove along the streets of DC behind a police escort, making the drive short. People tried to get a look inside of the limo as it passed, but the windows were so darkly tinted it was impossible. The back entrance to the adoption center was propped open, guarded by a handful of agents.

P was helped from the car and she reached inside to let Manon and Ben out of their car seats. Nannie skipped to grab Bobby's hand and Ben was happy to be carried by Penelope, though he was getting almost too heavy.

"Mr. President," Mr. George greeted with a nod. "Mrs. Conoroy."

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