Chapter 7

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"Bobby," P said softly. Her husband took a sharp breath and sat up, his eyes wide. "Bobby."

"What?" her husband asked in a sleepy voice.

"Michael's here to talk to you."

Bobby groaned and rubbed his puffy eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's 8 am."

Bobby got up out of the bed, staying in his tee shirt and pajama pants for a meeting with his brother. P sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the covers on her husband's side. They were twisted and the corner of the fitted sheet had been pulled from the mattress. Bobby wasn't sleeping much at all, and when he did it was clearly not well. She was beginning to seriously worry about her husband's health. The stress of being a senator didn't compare being President.

P stood and threw open the thick curtains of the bedroom, letting in the sharp February sun. It glistened on the heavy coat of snow that covered the South Lawn, hurting her eyes. Penelope sighed as she looked in the mirror. She smoothed out her pale yellow Dior dress and straightened her gold floral pin. P was going to have a small televised interview in the Red Room, talking about the importance of early childhood education. She wanted to look her best.

Out in the sitting room, Bobby and Mikey were sitting in chairs with coffee, talking intensely. Her brother in law was wearing his usual button down and dress pants, but, like Bobby, was looking a bit more disheveled as usual. His tie was thrown over his shoulder and his cuffs were unbuttoned and shoved up his forearms. P and Jan had just spoken the night before about how their husbands hadn't been doing so well, and Jan noted the Michael couldn't focus on anything but work.

"Hey Michael. You two need anything?"

The men shook their heads and continued talking. P sighed and went to get the kids up. Manon and Ben were excited to see their uncle and dad, but she had to remind them that they were busy. It was hard for the kids to realize that things weren't the same as they were before Bobby became President.

"I'll get the coloring books!" Manon said in a sing-song voice, running to get the supplies from her bedroom.

P took Ben to the table and got everyone set up with crayons and paper, making sure she paid attention to what each child was saying. Her limited time with them really made her value what they said and what they did.

"Penelope, come here," Bobby's voice called from the sitting room.

"I'm coloring with the-"

"Come here."

Penelope kissed Manon and Ben on the tops of their heads and hurried into the room with Bobby and Michael. The disturbing images on the TV caught her attention. "Peaceful democratic protestors in Socialist Saudi Arabia were brutally attacked early this morning by Mohammed's forces. We must warn you that the following images my be unsuitable for some viewers."

P had to steady herself on the back of Bobby's chair. Men, women, and children outside of some sort of Socialist stronghold were being beaten, maced, sprayed with fire hoses, and attacked by dogs. "Oh," P chocked out.

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