Chapter 13

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"Come on, Manon," P urged, holding onto Abraham's leash tightly. The dog was barking at a swarm of reporters and paparazzi that was being forced back by three Secret Service agents


Manon peered out of the car with fire in her dark brown eyes. P had a distaste for the press, but she was almost positive the five year old had pure hatred. "Manon," P repeated.

The little girl climbed out of the black car and reached for P's free hand. "Manon!" the reporters screamed. "Nannie!" P couldn't believe they felt close enough to her family to use nicknames.

The agents, Mr. George and Mr. Anderson,  pushed a path through the shouting crowd in an attempt to get the First Lady and her daughter to the park.

"How is the first dog doing?" a reporter asked, reaching a microphone out to P. She ignored them.

"Where did you get Manon's dress, P?" another woman asked. "We like it!"

"Manon!" a man wearing all black and holding a giant camera shouted. "What are you going to feed your dog?"

P watched her little girl look at the man with narrowed eyes. "Reporters."

Manon's genuine answer got some laughs from the secret service agents and a few reporters, while others screamed at P, asking how she was going to control her daughter. P just ignored them and smiled, proud of Manon.

The press were told to stay off of the park grounds, allowing P and Manon some peace. It was irritating that a simple walk in the park was such an event. P was told she needed to give the Secret Service advance notice so they could properly clear it out and set up security, not to mention being hounded the second she and her daughter stepped out of the car.

The park was empty, a beautiful place just outside of Washington DC. P had taken Manon and Ben on walks there all the time when the family was stationed in Washington while Congress was in session. Seeing the tree lined paths brought back memories of pushing babies in strollers, and she felt her heart swell with joy when the thought of another baby arriving soon flooded her mind.

P held Manon's hand tightly and allowed her daughter to take the dog's leash. P had decided to plan the little outing because she had been away for so long on her tour with the Princess. Four days was a lot for P. Manon and Ben had greeted her on the South Lawn, screaming with excitement. Seeing Bobby was also refreshing, she had missed him so much. She questioned him about Dr. Chang and if he had treated him while she was gone, but her question went unanswered.

"Mommy, can't we make them go away?" Manon asked.

P sighed. "Its called 'Freedom of the Press', they can do whatever they want, really. I know it stinks we can't do a lot of things the way we used to, but think of all of the good parts!"

"Like my birthday party," Manon said.

"Exactly. I don't know of any other five year old that had her fairy birthday party in front of the White House."

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