Chapter 11

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P brushed the knots out of her wet hair while she sat on a padded stool in front of her antique makeup table. She was still recovering from the turmoil from the night before, leaving her exhausted. A full nights rest hadn't gotten rid of the knot in her stomach. Attending the State Dinner while thousands of men fought against the Socialist troops in Syria was horrible. Poppy's call had upset her even more, knowing her friend's... other man was fighting made it hard to put on her usually cheery face at the dinner.

"Mrs. Conoroy, can I send the make up and hair people in?" Liza asked through the door.

"Of course!" P called, standing to greet her friends.

Heidi and Al stormed inside of the cosmetology room with their assistants and supplies, looking determined. "Hello!" Heidi cooed in her thick accent.

Al greeted P with a kiss. "My beautiful queen."

"I can't look too done-up," P insisted, taking a seat in her chair. "I am the mom at a five year old's birthday party."

"A birthday party that will be surrounded by paparazzi and news crews, not to mention attended by the most desirable guests," Al said in his slightly whiny, over the top voice.

"No. Just a mom." P sat back and allowed the rushing teams to dry and pull her hair into large, loose curls, and she stopped them before her makeup got anything more than neutral.

"Thank you all so much!" P smiled and jumped up to hug her team. "Will I be seeing you at the party?"


"Of course! We wouldn't miss our little Nannie's birthday for the world!" Al gushed, kissing P's cheek one last time before he tugged Heidi from the room.

She rushed through the center hall and into her room and to her closet. P dressed herself in a pretty white Oscar de la Renta dress, slid her feet into white heels, and clipped a five strand pearl necklace around her neck. A spring green Valentino coat was slung over her arm in case the air was cold, and P was finally ready.

In the siting room, Ben and Manon were playing with Abraham on the floor. Both of her children wore all white, Manon's bright pink tiara the only color on either of them. Bobby emerged from one of the bathrooms, pale tan pants and a white linen shirt covered his tan skin.

"Is it time?" Manon asked with an excited squeal.

"I think it is..." P said with a grin.

Manon grabbed Ben's hand and spun around in a circle, getting Abraham all worked up. "We need to go outside to greet all of our guests!"

The family of four made their way through the halls of the White House to the large Truman Balcony, the iconic round balcony that faced the South Lawn. A large fairy garden themed birthday party had been set up. Dream like decorations- floating lamps, tons of white and pale pink flowers, gauzy tents, and trickling fountains had completely transformed the yard. Wood flooring had been brought out to cover the muddy ground, allowing for nice attire. P could see crowds pressed up against the black fence that kept tourists off of the South Lawn.

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