Mpreg!Yuri Plisetsky x SMR

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Welcome to next weekly update. Latley I saw the ammount of followers of my profile...Thank you for 150 follows!
This is a request from ACE_Kris, sorry for making you wait for so long. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Yuri was doing his best during the practice. Yakov and Lilia prepared a new program for him. Yuri started to work hard from the first day. His goal of winning the Grand Prix and surpassing Victor was still not achieved.

-Something is still missing here. - said Lilia deep in thought. Yuri heard it and stopped skating.

-What?! - he yelled angry. - I'm at my best form!

-It's not you. - joined Yakov. - Maybe you should perform in duet?

-No way in hell! - yelled Yuri again. - I don't need some punk ass idiot to destroy my program!

- I have a perfect partner for you. - said Lilia and made a call.

-Are you even listening?!

Lilia whispered something to Yakov and went out of the ice rink. Yakov nodded and told Yuri to continue with his practice. About half an hour later she was back. She wasn't alone though. She brought her nephew to the rink.

He was a bit taller than Yuri, muscular and handsome. When Yuri saw him with the corner of his eyes he almost lost his balance, but managed to quickly compose himself. He skated to Yakov and Lilia.

-Who's that? - asked Yuri.

-This is my nephew, Y/n. - said Lilia. - He will be your partner in the program.

Time skip

That day changed Yuri's life. He won the Grand Prix solo and in the duet with Y/n. They fell in love with each other a while ago, during the practices but the common success brought them even closer. Yuri had a big problem with confessing his feelings, but the kiss he gave Y/n was enough to tell him how much he loved him. Victor was openly shipping them and insisted on double dates all the time ever since he found out about their relationship.

-You are so adorable together. - said Victor looking at them dreamingly. Yuri blushed bright red and hid his face in Y/n's shoulder. Y/n chuckled and hugged Yuri tight.

-Don't embarrass my boyfriend. - said Y/n chuckling. - That's my job.

Yuri smacked his arm lightly and blushed more.

Time skip

Yuri was sitting on the toilet seat with the pregnancy test in his hand. He had trouble with comprehending his situation. He was pregnant. He will have a child. He had to tell Y/n about it. Suddenly he paled when a terrible though ran across his mind.

-Y/n won't leave me...right? - he whispered at the verge of tears.

Yuri washed his face and walked out of the bathroom. Y/n was napping in the bedroom. Yuri went to him and woke him up screaming. Y/n jolted awake and tried to understand Yuri's fast talk. Yuri got even mad when he saw the look on his boyfriend's face. He threw the test at him and stomped out of the room. Y/n picked the test up from the bed and stared at it with wide eyes.

-So that is what he's mad about. - muttered Y/n under his breath.

He rubbed his eyes and got out of the bed. Y/n walked out of the bedroom and hugged the crying Yuri. At first he tried to push him away but he quickly changed his mind and accepted the hug.

-What are you crying about? - asked Y/n and rested his chin on Yuri's head.

-You will leave me...- cried Yuri.

-I'd be a total ass and unbelievable idiot if I did. - answered Y/n and kissed his forehead. - Plus we finally have use for that empty room upstairs.

Time skip

-Y/n I swear you'll never stick it in! - yelled Yuri in pain. He was in the labor ward giving birth to their child. - I hate you so fucking much right now you damn asshole! - Y/n squeezed Yuri's hand tight and listened to his curses. He was just nodding and repeating apologies all the time.

-Okay - said the doctor. - now I need you to push hard, Yuri.

Yuri did what he was told with the constant support of Y/n. Few hard hours later he gave birth to a healthy boy. Yuri was exhausted. He was put in the one of the hospital rooms to rest. Y/n was sitting on the chair next to his bed.

-I'm sorry. - said Y/n holding his hand.

-For what?

-For putting you in such a pain. - Y/n kissed Yuri's hand. - You were right, it's my fault.

Yuri made Y/n look at him and caressed his cheek.

-I wasn't controlling what I was saying. - explained Yuri. - I don't regret anything and I'm happy we started a family together. I love you and our son.

-I love you both too Yuri. - said Y/n and pecked Yuri's lips.

In that moment the nurse carried S/n in the room and handed the boy to Yuri. He took him in his arms carefully. Y/n sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his newborn son.

A week later S/n and Yuri were allowed to go home. Y/n came to pick them up with a new car, since Yuri wanted them to have a vehicle of their own.

-I told you to buy a family van! - he yelled once he saw what Y/n bought. The red Mazda MX5 was waiting on the parking lot.

-But look at it's cute face. - said Y/n. - It's blushing.

-Wha...Where the hell do you see the blush here?!

Y/n started the engine and opened the lights. He pointed at the blinkers.

-This is the blush. - smiled Y/n. - It's adorable!

-You're and idiot. - said Yuri and got in the passenger's seat.

With that they drove home staring the new chapter in their lives.

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