Boruto x Seme!Male!Reader

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Hey, I'm bringing you another update. This one was request from AlexHaruka. Enjoy the one shot hope it's not bad.

3rd POV

Sasuke went to his son's room to wake him up. Y/n was sleeping in late, since he graduated Academy last week.

-Y/n get up. –he said as he shook his first born a little. There was always a problem with waking him up. Sasuke was happy he didn't have to get through this with his daughter as well.- Your mom made your favorite food for dinner and you skipped breakfast already.

-Five more minutes. – said the pink-haired boy.

-You said that three hours ago. – answered Sasuke and pulled the covers off of him.

Y/n groaned as the sun rays hit his face. He sighed and finally got out of the bed. He took a lazy shower and finally made his way to the kitchen. He kissed Sakura's cheek and took a plate she prepared for him.

-Thanks mom, you're the best. – he said and sat at the table. When he was done with his food he went out for a walk.

Time skip

Y/n was walking slowly through the village.

-Y/n wait up! – he stopped walking when he heard the familiar voice. It was Boruto Uzumaki, his best friend. They knew each other since they were kids, they also in the same team. – Hey. – he said.

-Hey. – smiled Y/n.

-How's your day so far? – asked Boruto.

-I got out of the bed an hour ago.

-You will never change.

-No way in hell. – chuckled Y/n as they started walking together. Boruto was talking about the gossips and recent events that happened in the village. Y/n slept through most of the week, so he was a bit behind with the information. They went to the center of the village and sat on the bench. Y/n got them some cold drinks.

Both of them enjoyed each other's presence. They were in love, but they didn't let the other know about their feelings. Boruto was a Hokage's son, Y/n was a top warrior in the Academy. They were scared of their families reaction. So they kept their feelings for themselves, hoping the other will make a first move.

Time skip

-You can't do this to me! – said Y/n. Sasuke just told him he arranged a marriage for him and he didn't have a say in this. – I don't want to!

-Stop being a kid and act like adult for once. – he said in a monotone voice.

-Mom, help me!

-The decision has been made. – she said. Y/n sighed in defeat and went to his room.

He was heartbroken. He loved Boruto and now he would lose all the chances of being with him. If only he was brave enough and told him about his feelings towards him. He was mad at his parents for the first time in his life. He had a good relationship with them, so he never thought he would be so mad at them.

From that day on he locked himself up in his room and didn't come out. Even his sister couldn't get to him. They were worried about him and few times Sasuke wanted to tell him who was chosen to marry him, but he wanted this to be a secret for now. Y/n didn't eat anything he barely drank something during the month before the wedding.

The big day finally came. Y/n had a bags under his eyes and his skin got paler out of lack of the sun. Sasuke helped him prepare for the ceremony and led him to the altar. He was standing next to his son to make sure he won't walk away. Y/n was sulking more when he found out Boruto couldn't be his best man. The identity of his future spouse was still a secret. Y/n closed his eyes as the wedding started.

-Open your eyes. – whispered Sasuke in his son's ear. His voice sounded oddly cheerful. Y/n sighed and did what he was told. His eyes went wide when he saw Boruto in front of him with a smile on his face. He didn't know what to say.

-Dad, what the hell is going on here? – he managed to choke out.

-Well, me and Naruto couldn't stand you and Boruto making goo-goo eyes at each other so we arranged a marriage to help you two make your mind. Now shut up and don't disturb the ceremony.

Y/n grinned for the first time in that month and took Boruto as his husband. The celebration of the wedding lasted three days.

One shots vol.III (Seme male reader x Varous)Where stories live. Discover now