Sebastian x Neko!SMR

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Hey! A little modified request from Reinahonda2017. Enjoy the one shot.

3rd POV

Sebastian was grinning widely the whole day. He was waiting for the call from the shelter. He was going through the process of the adoption of a neko. He met him last week and he immediately swooned over him. He had a h/c hair and ears, and looked at the world with beautiful e/c eyes. Sebastian became fond of him the second he saw him. He was sitting in his cage without a care. It felt like he didn't believe he could get taken away from the shelter. Sebastian felt a tug on his heart and told the caretaker that he decided to adopt Y/n.

Sebastian smiled as he heard the ringing of the doorbell. He went up to the door and answered it. The caretaker was there with Y/n standing next to him uninterested.

-Hello Mr. Michaelis, I brought your pet. – she smiled. Sebastian let them both in his house. – Please sign these documents to compete the adoption. - Sebastian motioned for her to sit down on the couch. He got a pen and signed all the documents in necessary places. The caretaker smiled and hugged Y/n. – Bye bye.

Y/n waved her goodbye. She was the only person who actually took care of him and talked to him. Others just brought him food and water, then he was constantly left alone. He looked at Sebastian, who was sitting on the couch. He was still standing, not daring to move without permission. He still remembered what his previous owner did to him. He felt the chills run down his spine when he remembered how much he was abused before he was taken away from that man and put in the shelter.

-Why are you standing? – asked Sebastian startling Y/n a bit. – Sit down please. – added Sebastian as he saw Y/n was uneasy. The neko sat down on the edge of the couch, ready to protect himself if needed. – Want something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Milk?

-Milk would be fine. – he answered in small voice. He didn't want to upset his new owner. Who knew what he could do to him if Y/n was behaving bad? – Thanks. – He said when Sebastian set the big glass of cold milk in front of him. Y/n took a sip and let out a content purr. The milk was cold and fresh, not warm like in the shelter. He gulped the whole glass of milk at once. Sebastian chuckled.

-Do you want more? – he asked.

-Yes. – he answered carefully, expecting Sebastian to want something in return. Sebastian smiled and took the empty glass, just to come back with the full one. Y/n took the glass in his hands and gulped the milk quickly again.

-Slow down, you will have it as much as you want. – said Sebastian and poured more milk in the glass. Y/n complied and sipped his milk.

-Thank you master. – he said and set the empty glass on the coffee table.

-Call me Sebastian.

Time skip

Y/n needed some time to get used to his new home and owner. Sebastian was the opposite of his previous owner. He was spending time with him, he petted his head instead of hitting him, he never locked him up in the cold basement without food, instead of that Sebastian fed him well. Whenever something hurt Y/n, Sebastian was taking care of him and made sure he was well. Y/n felt himself trust Sebastian slowly, the trust was soon followed by stronger feelings.

Y/n was laying in his bed think of his current situation. He enjoyed his new life and Sebastian's company, but the fact that his owner was so attractive and could have anyone he wanted to be his mate, was getting on the neko's nerves. It wasn't easy to confess either. If Sebastian didn't love him back, living together would be at least awkward. Sebastian might even put him back in the shelter. He sighed and decided to get some rest. Suddenly he heard a soft knock on his door.

-Come in. – he muttered. The door opened revealing Sebastian holding a pillow to his chest. – You can't sleep either I see. – Sebastian shook his head and walked up to Y/n.

-I had a nightmare. – he whispered. – Can I sleep with you?

Y/n moved closer to the wall making some space for Sebastian.

-Sure. – he said. Sebastian laid down next to him and rested his head on Y/n's shoulder. He started to play with Y/n's ear making him purr.

-I love your purrs. – smiled Sebastian.

-And I love you - mumbled Y/n. His eyes widened when he realized what he had said. He smiled when he felt Sebastian kissed his cheek.

-I love you too my kitty. – he said and nuzzled his neck.

-Mreow~ - smiled Y/n and closed his eyes. After exchanging small goodnights they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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