Rogue x Seme!Male!Reader

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Hi, I'm bringing you another update. Ladies and gentlemen, soon we will finish his part of the book. The four part is coming so feel free to throw some requests at me, big or small, doesn't matter. This oneshot is a sixth part of XFantasyCreatureX's big request. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Rogue had a hard time lately. Another dragon slayer joined him and Sting and traveled with them. Y/n was his name, and he had the power of fire, much like Natsu. He was tall and handsome with e/c eyes and h/c hair. Rogue blushed a lot around him and that gave Sting perfect opportunity to tease him about it. Y/n on the other hand was completely oblivious of Rogue's feelings towards him. That hurt him, but he did all he could to not to show it affected him. Which made Sting tease him more.

-Y/n, that girl over there is staring at you. – said Sting and pointed discreetly at the woman.

-Staring? – mumbled Rogue. – More like eye fucks him.

-I'm not interested. – chuckled Y/n and continued walking down the road. – We better get to work, I want to have a good meal after we get the job done.

-Finally someone in this group says anything that makes sense. – said Rogue and quickened his pace.

Time skip

They were walking through the forest and searching for the monster that they were supposed to kill. The cats stayed at the hotel room to prepare the food in case the trio would be too tired after the fight. They did their best to be as cautious as possible, after all they could get themselves killed easily if they made one bad move. Y/n was in front of Sting and Rogue. Suddenly Sting was snatched up in the air. Y/n saw the green troll taking him away. Y/n and Rogue attacked the troll but it managed to dodge their attempts to hit him. The troll threw Sting against the tree. He hit it so hard he lost his conscience. Y/n threw the fireball at the troll but he dodged it again just like many others attacks before. Rogue tried to hurt the troll at least a bit but he missed. The troll took an attempt to smack Rogue away, but the hit never reached its destination. Y/n pushed Rogue away and got thrown against the thick three.

-Y/n! – yelled Rogue with tears in his eyes. He immediately got mad and attacked the troll with new strength. He managed to use the moment of troll's distraction and got rid of him easily. Rogue ran to Y/n panting hard. He rested Y/n's head on his knees and wiped the blood coming out of the cut on his forehead.

-What did I miss? – asked Sting as he walked up to Rogue and Y/n. Sting massaged his forehead to ease the pain from the hit.

-I killed the troll, Y/n got between me and it saving me from getting hit. – explained Rogue.

-We have to take him to the hotel. – said Sting and helped Rogue carry Y/n back to the town.

Time skip

They laid Y/n on his bed once they reached the hotel they were currently staying at. Sting went go get some food for them, while Rogue stayed with Y/n and patched him up. Sting came back soon and placed the tray full of different foods next to Rogue. He didn't want to eat anything, he was worried of Y/n more than about himself. Frosh tried to convince him to eat, but he only turned his head away from him and just stared at Y/n's face.

Y/n was unconscious for two days. Rogue spent all that time by his side. He wanted to be the first person he saw in case he woke up. When Y/n started finally opening his eyes he smiled and let out a relieved breath.

-Mmmm...damn my head hurts. – he said sitting up.

-How do you feel apart from that? – asked Rogue in gentle voice.

-I'm fine. And hungry.

Rogue smiled and handed him the tray. They ate their first meal in two days together and had a small chat.

-So where's Sting?- asked Y/n.

-He went out to get our reward. – answered Rogue. – So we're alone at the moment. Listen, I didn't have a chance to thank you for saving me back then.

-It's fine. – smiled Y/n. – You'd do the same for me. And I would be staying by your side and taking care of you.

-Yeah, we're comrades after all.

-Only comrades?

-W-what do you mean?

Y/n smirked and pulled Rogue close to him making him blush deep red. He kissed his nose and smiled.

-I love you Rogue. And yes, I noticed your cute blushes and how adorable you are when you get jealous.

Rogue whined and hid his face in Y/n's chest. They hugged each other tight and Y/n took it as a good opportunity to bury his face in Rogue's hair. The gesture made him blush even more. He closed his eyes and smiled a bit.

-I love you too Y/n. – he said and closed his eyes for a little nap. Y/n, seeing that Rogue fell asleep, decided to close his eyes as well for a bit. Soon he drifted off in sleep again. They both got waken up by Sting's cheering.

-Finally you grew some balls Rogue! – chuckled Sting. – Took your time.

-Shut up third wheel. – smirked Y/n shutting Sting up for good.

One shots vol.III (Seme male reader x Varous)Where stories live. Discover now