Mpreg!Kagami Taiga x SMR

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Big request ahead of us! I want to thank XFantasyCreatureX for it, thanks to this request I have ideas to continue on writing this book. In that pace we will have another part of theese books! Enjoy!

3rd POV

Taiga was laying on the couch and relaxing. He stared at his swollen belly and rubbed it gently. Taiga smiled as he felt his baby move in his stomach. His husband was doing shopping since Taiga still had his cravings sometimes, but he had to admit the baby wasn't really moody and the cravings weren't often during the whole pregnancy. Taiga remembered very well how he met Y/n, the father of his baby. He couldn't help but remind himself about that day and the next that followed it on peaceful moments like that.


It was on the match between Rakuzan and Seirin during the Interhigh. It was the last season for him and the Generation of Miracles, since they were seniors. Akashi wasn't happy about Rakuzan not winning the first Winter Cup and the next Interhigh, so he made his team work harder. Still they couldn't beat Seirin. The next Winter Cup was a failure for Akashi, so he decided to reach for really big guns for his last season. He got his cousin in the team and that Interhigh was meant to be his debut.

Y/n Akashi was taller than Seijurou, he had Emperior Eye as well and seemed to be the perfect mix of all of Generation of Miracles members. Seijurou was smirking for the whole time before the match started. One Akashi on the court was a problem already, but two of them...that was complete different thing. Taiga saw Y/n whisper something in Seijurou's ear. Seijurou smirked wider and nudged his cousin playfully. Taiga and the rest of Generation of Miracles were shocked with his behavior. Seijurou seemed to treat his cousin in a special way. Seijurou chuckled and nodded at Y/n, then he went up to Taiga.

-Taiga – said Seijurou. – I want to make a bet.

Taiga gulped before he answered. He could already knew that nothing good could come out of this.

-What's the stake? – he asked, doing his best to keep his voice calm.

-If Seirin loses, you will go out on a date with my cousin. – he said calmly. Taiga could see in his eyes, that he was truly amused with the whole situation.

-And if we win?

-Believe me. – he said. – You won't.

Then the match started. Seijurou seemed to be right, Rakuzan was playing every ball to Y/n and no-one could stop him from scoring the next points. Taiga was told to keep him away from the basket, but he easily threw the three-pointers like Midorima.

-Seems like this match won't be the only moment when I'll score. – he said to Taiga when he was trying to stop Y/n from getting the ball. – If I were you I'd be already wondering what to wear on our date~

-I'm not going anywhere with you. – said Taiga and got the ball. He ran to Rakuzan's basked and scored two points.

-Feisty aren't we? – smirked Y/n and caught the ball from Seijurou. He scored a perfect three-pointer.

Needless to say Rakuzan won and Kagami was forced to go out with Y/n.

End of Flashback

Taiga chuckled when he remembered how persistent and stubborn Y/n was. Taiga was doing everything to push him away, but he always came back. He was chasing after Taiga all the time and finally he could feel himself slowly falling for him. Two years later they got married. Just like the two Akashi's always said. Those damn Emperior Eyes were a really scary thing sometimes.

-Hello candy. – said Y/n as he carried the groceries in the house. Taiga started getting up to help him, but Y/n stopped him from doing so. He handed him the big box of ice cream and a spoon. – Spoil our little prince. – he said.

Taiga chuckled and got to eating. He didn't even know how much he wanted to have the chocolate ice cream. Taiga smiled when he felt Y/n's arms wrap around him. He snuggled up to Y/n when he was done with eating his ice cream.

-I'll get fat if I keep on eating sweets like that. – he said and nuzzled Y/n's neck.

-Then I'll have more of your sweet ass~


Extended ending:

Two months later Taiga gave birth to their son. When he woke up he saw Y/n holding the baby in his arms. Taiga could see he was very proud.

-You're awake. – he said smiling. Taiga smiled back and nodded his head. He motioned for Y/n to give their son to him, and Y/n complied. Taiga felt a chill running down his back when the boy opened his eyes. Taiga figured out why Y/n was so proud of. Another Akashi with Emperior Eye came to this world. Taiga gulped and rested his head on Y/n's shoulder.

The peaceful moment was broken with the former Seirin team and the Generation of Miracles. Kise and Riko started squealing and fangirling over S/n, while Midorima brought the little Akashi his lucky item. Murasakibara brought a lot of sweets and stuffies for him, while Akashi smirked seeing the boy had an Emperior Eye.

They stayed there until the end of the visiting time. Few days later Taiga and S/n were allowed to go home. The whole Generation of Miracles was helping around the baby, and when he was old enough they taught him to play basketball. Soon he became the capitan of the next Generation of Miracles.

One shots vol.III (Seme male reader x Varous)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora