C H A P T E R 13 : Lola

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November 26th 2013

1:50 p.m.

As I scrambled and rushed around the house trying to get ready for school, I slipped on my coat. I moved over to the steps and then yelled my twin brother and older sister names. I couldn't afford to be late this morning, and my brother and sister ran on what you would call 'Colored People Time.'

"Calm down." Layla mumbled as she descended down the stairs. I watched as she struggled to put her gold name plated earrings in.

"Can't you do that later?" I asked as I watched her maneuver over to the mirror. She didn't say anything as her reflection gave me a glowering look. I backed away and walked back over to the stairs and started yelling my brother's name. "Logan!" a couple seconds later my mother appeared with an irritated look upon her face.

"Little girl if you don't stop yelling this early in the morning, I have to go to work in a little bit." My mother hissed through clench teeth. "What is wrong with you, what do you want?" she asked.

"I'm just tryna' call Logan down so we can go, I don't want to be late for school." I answered benevolently

She gave me a blank stare. "Lemme' go get this boy before I throw something at you." she remarked. My mother walked away. I listened as I heard her footsteps shuffle around upstairs. I rolled my eyes impatiently. "He ain't goin'!" she yelled down toward me.

I huffed, but accepted; hating the fact that he wasn't going. Great, now I gotta' ride alone with Layla. I thought to myself. Anytime my twin brother didn't show up to school I was force to ride in the car with my sister.

"Fuck!" Layla yelled from inside the living room.

I moved away from the stairs and went into the living room. "What is it?" I asked.

"The fucking thing won't go through my ear." she complained.

"Maybe your hole is closing." I suggested.

"That's impossible I've had this same hole since I was three months old." she explained as she still struggled.

I rolled my eyes. "Give it here." I demanded. She did as I said. I positioned the earring in one hand and the small back in the palm of my hand. "There." I said once it was in her ear. "Can we go now?" I asked as I slipped my backpack strap onto my shoulder and grabbed my project board.

She grabbed her keys and purse, and then answered, "Yup."

We left out the door and headed for her car. Layla hit the automatic unlock button and I reached for the handle. I struggled to fit the board inside her car. "Uh, how am I 'pose to get my board to school?"

"I don't know find a way." She snarled.

I rolled my eyes and continued to try and find a way to fit my board into the backseat. Finally getting it to fit, I shut the backseat door and then went to the passenger side and got inside. I clicked my seatbelt shut, and Layla pulled away from the curb and began to drive down the block. I flicked through radio stations as Layla talked on the phone. I settled on 107.5 WGCI. They were playing Mario's 'Music for Love.' I settled back into the warm leather seats as the bass pulsated throughout my body.

My big sister is lucky. She's lucky to have a boyfriend that buys her everything her little heart desires. Her life is perfect; it's the definition of a fairytale. She has everything that a little ghetto girl could dream of; a man with money- Getting one of those was like finding a concrete rose in the hood.

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