C H A P T E R 22 : Lola

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January 7th, 2014

3:45 p.m.

     When my mother or father didn’t answer the phone the day my principle called he made me sit in the detention room until the school day ended.  I was separated from population in a cold room located on the far end of the building, where students barely ventured. It must have been a bad day for me to be there because I was stuck in that ice box alone, bored as shit, and depressed.  I was angry at the fact that my people didn’t come through for me, but I was angrier at that bitch for fucking up my school record. I have never in my high school life been suspended and for me to be suspended over this shit made me wish I would have just walked away, it definitely wasn’t worth it; she wasn’t worth it.

   When I got home that day, ironically it wasn’t the fight with Kayla that got me in trouble, but the mouth I had towards my mother that landed me on punishment.

“What the hell happened Lee!” she yelled as soon as I walked into the front door. I sat my book bag down on the chair and stood behind it. I looked up to her and said nothing. “Do you hear me girl?” she questioned.

“It’s whatever they told you.”I remarked.

“Now is not the time to get smart with me little heifer.” she nastily warned. Her expression was black, but I could care less. She had no time when he called and therefore I have no time to explain. I listened as she continued to yell and call me out my name. “What do you have to say for yourself?”she questioned.

“Nothing,” I answered nonchalantly.

    Shocked by my answer she asked, “So you have nothing to say?”

“No that’s what I said,” I answered sarcastically.

“See I can’t handle this shit your damn father should be here to fix this.” she blurted in frustration.

“He would be if your daughter didn’t cause him to leave.” I mumbled.

“She did not Lola!” my mother yelled.

“Yes she did!” I yelled back.

“No she did not!” she repeated. “And that’s not the matter at hand.” she told me.

“Then what is the matter at hand mama?” I questioned. Before she could answer I stopped her. “You the one who brought up my daddy.”

“Li’l girl you better check your damn tone.” Kodeniˊ warned. “The fact of the matter is your little attitude needa’ go.”

“Or?” I questioned.

    Within a second her hand connected with my face and I stumbled back a bit. I held the side of my right cheek as tears filled my eyes that were caused by the sting on my cheek. “Now test me again I dare you.”

“I hate you and this family and I wish you’d overdose on those damn pills!” I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

“Lola! Lola! Lola!” my mother yelled behind me. “Get your ass back down here!”     


                                          *A Couple hours later.*

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