C H A P T E R 16 : Part 2 (from previous chapter.)

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December 19th, 2013 

2:00 p.m.

"I swear if your mother takes that fool back!" Tyrone yelled.

"Shh, not so loud I don't want people to hear you." I said as I placed my hand over his mouth.

"I'm sorry but you tellin’ me that got me fired up, I wanna’ go to L.C. just to kick his ass.” he ranted angrily.

“Oh so now you a real man,” I joked.

“I’m serious Lay, and you need to tell Darien.” he suggested.

“No I can handle this.” I told him as I tried to mask the irritation he just struck. “Beside do you know what De’ would do to him?”

“Yeah fuck him up for touching you and his unborn baby.” Tyrone stated and then shoved a forkful of Potato salad in his mouth.

    I rolled my eyes and then said, “I don’t need Darien to fight my battles did you forget who I was?” I questioned. Before he could answer I continued, “They don’t call me queen for nothing.” I bragged while reminding him of my position in the underground world.

“And are you not forgetting what James was?” Tyrone asked reminding me of James old life.

“Key word was, not anymore.” I told him.

     He rolled his eyes and then said, “Whatever, you still need to tell De’, just to be on the safe side.”

“I can’t Ty.”

“Why not Layla this is something serious what if that asshole made you lose the baby then what, it’s stupid for you to keep quiet.” he scolded.

"De' doesn't even know about the baby." I confessed. “He’d not only kick James ass but my ass for not telling him and putting his child in harm’s way.”

“Why haven’t you told him Lay?” Tyrone questioned.

“Because Ty, you know what kind of life me and Darien live, this is too much, I can’t bring an innocent life into this bullshit especially now since De’ is becoming more powerful, it’s too much of a risk and I can’t take it.” I told him as I leaned back in the dining chair.

“All I hear is excuses, you two laid there and made that baby and now you mean to tell me you don’t wanna take care of it, what you thinkin’ of abortion?” he questioned. When I didn’t say anything he became upset. “Wow, this is unbelievable, in my sixteen years on this earth I never thought out of everyone, you would even consider it.” he said. “You said it yourself that day in sixth grade before you went out there, that you were against abortion.” he reminded me. “I remember my best friend telling me that she always wanted kids, what happened to that?”

“I do.” I answered.

“Okay well now’s your chance.” he told me.

“Shit’s not that easy Tyrone, what will people think, what will people say, my mother already flipped out on me, this is not suppose to happen to me, I’m suppose to graduate, go to college, and be something.”

“And you still can Layla.” he said.  “Who gives a fuck about what people think, who gives a fuck what they will say, and of course your mother was, she’s your mother it was just a shock, shit my dad might even flip out on you.”  he told me as his index finger moved about in the air. “This is not the Layla I know,” he said as he shook his head with every word.  “the Layla I know would be happy and find a way to make this work.”

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