The axe

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Chapter 1

Hiccup's POV

I woke up as the sun was shining through the window. I went downstairs and nobody was home.

"Huh, Dad must be out doing chief things again." I thought.

I then made myself some eggs and remembered to grab a fish for Toothless. I then grabbed a basket of fish, figuring he would be really hungry. I went out to his pen and found him awake and overjoyed to see me.

"Hey bud, you hungry?" I asked.

He growled happily as he jumped around, waiting for me to put down the fish. I opened the basket and kicked it to where it was on its side. Toothless immediately dove into the basket and devoured the fish within about 5 minutes.

"Man bud you were REALLY hungry. I'll be back bud I'm gonna go to the forge."

I walked to the forge to make some changes to Toothless's tail. Yesterday we had a crash and the connecting rod bent and was no longer usable, so I needed to make a new one.

Then she came over. Her beautiful blonde hair glowing in the morning sun.

"Morning Astrid, what do you need?" I said to her as I was still wonder struck by her beauty.

"I just need my axe sharpened." Said Astrid as she handed my the axe.

"Alright I'll get on it right now." I said, taking the axe from her soft hands.

"Thanks. How long do you think it'll take?" She asked, obviously anxious to get out of there.

"Should only take a few minutes." I said, not wanting her to leave.

I wanted to make my move because if you haven't been able to tell, I REALLY like Astrid. She's the most beautiful girl in all of Berk. But I'm sure she doesn't like be back. I mean look at me. I'm skinny. I'm a hiccup.

"Ok. So what are you doing with Toothless's tail?" She asked, trying not to make things to awkward.

"Oh just making a new connecting rod. The other one broke yesterday in a crash." I said, trying to be as calm as possible.

"Geez you guys ok?" She asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah we're both okay." I said as I finished sharpening her axe then handing it to her.

"All finished. I even made it a little lighter so it'll be easier to throw." I said, proud of what I did.

"Great thanks Hiccup!" She shouted as she ran off to the forest.

I assumed she was going to practice.

Awkward.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora