Thank Gods!

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Chapter 8

It's been 2 weeks since Hiccup got medicated and he hasn't woken up. I worried A LOT. I would sit by his bed with Toothless and hold his hand, whispering to him "please wake up" and wait. I need him to wake up.

-----2 days later-----

Astrid's POV

I was siting by his bed when he started to blink awake.

"Hiccup, oh my gods you're alive thank Thor!" I shouted as I squeezed him tightly.

"Astrid... I... Can't.. Breathe..." He said between breaths.

"Oh, sorry I just got really excited that you're okay." I said while smiling widely.

"How long was I unconcious?" He asked, attempting to sit up. I pulled his pillow up so he could lean on it.

"About 2 weeks. I've been running training." I said. "Toothless never left your side. He wouldn't go outside. I brought up fish for him and he are it in that exact spot." I said pointing to Toothless.

He bounded up to Hiccup and licked his face, obviously glad to see his best friend alive and okay.

Just then someone walked into the bedroom. I looked up and saw a cheerful Stoick.

"Oh thank Thor my boy is ok!" He exclaimed and hugged his son, picking him up off the bed.

"Happy to see you too dad." Hiccup said as he stepped onto the ground.

"How's your wound my boy?" Stoick asked.

"Huh? What wound?" Hiccup asked. Stoick pointed to the side of his stomach.

"Oh gods what happened" Hiccup asked, obviously astonished that he had an open wound in his stomach.

"You were stabbed by Dagur when you were standing up to him in the Dragon Hangar. You stood up to him in front of everyone. You had so much adrenaline that you didn't feel it." I said. (A/N: just remember, it's Astrid's point if view😛)

"Oh. Well, sounds like it was a pretty crazy battle." He said as he pat Toothless's head.

"Well you stood up to an enemy and lived through it. That's an achievement son." Stoick said patting his sons shoulder.

Hiccup's POV

I can't believe I was unconcious for 2 weeks. I wonder what I missed. I decided I should go say hi to the rest of the team. So I told Dad and Astrid where I was gonna go.

"I'll go with you. Just to make sure you make it there safely." Astrid said coming over to me and grabbing my hand.

"Just be careful my boy, I want you back here safely before sunset. Remember you're still injured and you need to rest as much as you can. Now say your hello's and come back." Dad said. Wow, he seemed as chiefly as ever.

-----Line Break-----

-----At the Academy-----

"Hiccup!" Everyone shouted simultaneously.

"Hey guys! How's everyone been?" I asked, while being supported by Astrid since my side was aching. Ruffnut then came up to my other side and helped support me.

"Thanks Ruff." I said, trying to stand up but then toppling over. As I tumbled Astrid and Ruff lost their grip but then Toothless came up and caught me. I was then supported onto his back where I could sit and be comfortable.

"Nevermind us, how are you? You're the one that got stabbed." Fishlegs pointed out.

"Oh I think I'm okay. Just some aching and I can't walk on my own." I replied. Then I realized it was getting to sunset.

"Oh man I gotta get going. Dad told me to be back before sunset. I'll see you guys tomorrow, I'll teach training tomorrow but I can't fly quite yet. 10:00 am sharp guys!" I said waving as I layed on Toothless's back and he carried me home. I just wanted to lie down.


Here's the next chapter! I don't know if it's 8 or 9, but it's the next chapter.

Woo Hiccup is alive!

Next chapter should be up Monday or Tuesday!

Thanks for the reads and remember to vote, comment and if you really like it, recommend it to your friends that are dragon and hiccstrid FANATICS!


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