He's amazing.

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Hey guys!

I am SO SORRY for the late update! But I didn't forget about you guys!

I was doing a lot of intense thinking for this chapter so it took me a while to write.

I COMPLETLEY forgot to mention this but I have put Valka into this.

And for those of you that might not know her name, Valka is Hiccup's moms name. But I'm sure you all know that.

So she is in it, but she will be here next chapter.

But anyway thanks for being patient with me being such a slow updater, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 10

Hiccup's POV

During the entire race Astrid was right behind me, just watching me fly. I actually had to warn her of some upcoming rocks because she was so concentrated on me. We all landed at the arena after a few hours. I checked Toothless's portable clock and it said 4 pm.

"Alright guys that was good flying! Astrid, you might wanna keep your eyes on the sky." I said kissing her on the cheek.

"Well I best be getting home. It's dinner time for Hookfang." As soon as Snotlout said dinner, Hookfang lit on fire and burned Snoulouts butt. He screamed and dove, butt first, into the trough of water. Everybody burst into laughter.

"It's not funny guys he does this constantly." Snotlout complained.

"It is kinda funny. Ok it's hilarious." I said before bursting into laughter.

After about 5 minutes if laughing, we all decided to go home.

"So Astrid, you wanna take a little flight with me?" I asked, holding both of her hands in mine. I had the best plan for this. I was gonna take her back to the first time she ever rode on Toothless.

"I would love too!" Astrid said as she hopped on Toothless. I followed and did the same thing. I nodded at Toothless and he knew what to do.

We took off into the clouds. I knew she remembered this. She brushed her hands in the peachy clouds, just like before. And when it got dark, the beautiful lights showed their colors. Astrid rested her head on the shoulder and gripped my waist.

"I love it Hiccup. Thank you." She said before kissing my check.

We landed in the plaza. Before she could leave, I pulled her into a deep, and passionate kiss. She kissed back. We were like that for about 2 minutes, then we pulled away.

"Goodnight beautiful." I said walking to Toothless and flying home.

Astrid's POV

That. Was. Amazing. It was just so, perfect. I can't believe he remembered our very first flight on Toothless. And in so much detail! I walked home like an idiot, all smiling and being joyful. I looked like a 5 year old again. I opened my door and wen straight upstairs to go to sleep. I didn't want anything to ruin this night.

---the next day---

I woke up to the sweet aroma of eggs. Wait, who's cooking?

I go downstairs with my axe in hand. But what I see really shouldn't be a surprise.

"Morning Milady." Hiccup said with his silly grin that makes my day that much better.

"Morning. Did you make this?" I said as I sat down and ate the most delicious eggs I've ever had.

"Yeah. Just thought I would do something special for my queen." Je said as he grabbed his plate of eggs and sat down.

"So me and Toothless decided we're leaving for a little while." He said looking at his eggs. I almost spit my food everywhere. Why is he leaving?

"WHAT? Why?" I screamed as soon as I swallowed my food.

"We're gonna go look for other Night furies. I'm hoping there's at least one out there." He said. I could tell he was serious about this. And I understand. I won't hold him back.

"Everything is already cleared with my dad. I'm leaving today at 1." He said as he forked another bite of egg into his mouth.

"Ok. I understand. And I agree. There does have to be at least one more Night Fury out there." I said. "How long will you be gone?" I asked, holding back the tears.

"Only about a week." He said. Okay it's not that long. "Depends on if we're making any progress." He added. That made it a little worse.

"Ok Hiccup. Just air-mail me whenever you can." Astrid said as she got up from her chair and hugged him. He hugged back.

"I will."

----time skip----

"I'll see you all as soon as possible!" Hiccup shouted. Everyone was here to see him off and wish him luck. The gang all waved as I was approaching Hiccup.

"Come back safe okay?" I said. I let a tear escape as he wiped it away.

"I will. I promise." He said before kissing me passionately. As soon as we pulled apart he hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"I love you Astrid."

"I love you too Hiccup."


I'm pretty sure everyone knows where this is headed.

Thanks again guts for EVERYTHING!!



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