Why does this always happen.

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Hi guys!

Just wanted to let you know I started my big four story.

It's called Don't be afraid. (The big four)

So if you want to, check it out, if not, you don't have to!

No Merricup or Jackunzel in it though

Sorry, heart belongs to Hiccstrid.



Astrid's POV

This can't be happening. My husband, unconscious, again, with an unknown sickness. I can't lose him. Valka can't loose him. Stoick can't loose him. Toothless can't lose him. He's so important to so many people here. Today was the day that Gothi was visiting to see if she can figure out what's wrong with him. He must've caught something when he was out flying, but what did he catch? She drew symbols on the ground.

"She says that Hiccup's life is in danger." Gobber translated. She drew more symbols.

"She has seen this only once before. It happened to Stoick when he was little." Valka translated. We all gasped at the same time, then glanced over at Stoick.

"So is this something that's curable?" He asked. Maybe this sickness runs in the family.

"It has a cure. But the cure sometimes takes a while to set in, so there is no for sure way of knowing when he will wake up." Gobber and Valka both said the last part at the same time. Creepy.

"The cure is on the very top shelf in the back of my hut. It's the only one there." She wrote.

I ran downstairs and flew to the top of the mountain where she lived. I don't know why she lived all the way up here, or how she even gets up here. I got inside and grabbed the green bottle then ran back outside and flew as fast as we could. As soon as I got back, Gothi took the jar from me and poured the weird liquid down his throat. She gave the hand gesture saying 'it's done' then walked out of the house. I just stood there, waiting for some sign that it worked. A groan, color returning to his skin, his body warming up, anything. After about 30 minutes, everybody cleared out except me since I lived here. I slept in a chair next to the bed so in case this was contagious, I have less of a chance of catching it.


In the morning


I woke up with a startle when a dragon flew past my window at top speed. I opened the window.

"What are you doing up this early?" I asked Snotlout, who was flying around the island with the others. Not racing, but just flying.

"Well I'm beating these losers in some dragon racing. You're welcome to join if you would like." He said.

"I can't. Every time I leave and Hiccup is unconscious, he wakes up when I'm gone." I said and sat at the edge of the window.

"Well wouldn't you want to leave since he wakes up every time? I mean if you left he would wake up sooner." He stated. He had a good point, but I wanted to be the second thing he sees when he wakes up. Of course, first would be Toothless.

"No can do Snotlout, I want to see him wake up this time. I didn't care if it takes days, months, weeks, or years." I said and began climbing back into the house.

"Suit yourself Astrid." He shrugged as the twins passed him. I let out a small sigh and went back to my chair, just sitting there. I want to be here when he wakes up, but Hiccup would want me to go out and have fun with the gang. I was kind of torn, but I needed to make a choice soon. Nobody knows when he will wake up. At that moment, Stoick came in. He always came early because the rest of the day was chiefing.

"Do you know how long it took for you to wake you when you had this?" I asked him once he walked in.

"Not a clue Astrid. I will ask Gothi and tell you." He said and walked out. I looked over to Hiccup, who was sleeping peacefully, with normal breaths and a shade darker skin. That means the cure is working! A smile immediately crossed my face. I sat back down and waited for Stoick to come back.

"1 week is what she told me." He said as he opened the door.

"Well that's not bad. He's been unconscious for longer amounts of time." I said that like it was a good thing.

"On today of next week is when he should wake up. But you know Hiccup, goes by his own rules. Could be sooner, could be later." He smiled. I smiled too and sat back down. He was right, there was no for sure way of knowing if he would wake up in a week. The least we can do is hope for the best.



So that's this chapter.

Next one should be up either later today or sometime late this weekend.

We are taking a bunch of day trips that I'm kind of not excited for, so I won't be able to write.

The only trip I'm excited for is hiking in the Redwoods.

Ok enough about me.


Think we can hit 16K reads by chapter 40?

Let's find out!

Don't forget to check out Don't be afraid. (The big four)


Awkward.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora