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Chapter 20

I couldn't believe it. I was going to get married. I didn't know how to ask Astrid to marry me, and if she would even say yes. I mean yeah, we are both in love with each other, but she might not be ready for marriage. But I wanna ask her. I love her and if she loved me, she would agree.

I told Gobber I would help out with weapons so I walked with Toothless to the forge.

"Hey Gobber." I said taking off the top of my armor, putting on a green t-shirt and an apron.

"Mornin' Hiccup! I heard about your talk with Stoick. You gonna do it?"

My eyes widened when he asked that question. Why did he know about me and my dad's PRIVATE talk? And I put emphasis on the word 'private' because my dad apparently doesn't know the meaning of it.

" did you know about that?" I stuttered as I grabbed a hammer.

"Your father tells me all about your guys talks! Like the one you two had before you started dragon training? He told me about that."

I need to have a talk with dad about privacy.

"Well yeah I'm gonna ask her, but I just... I just don't know how." I stammered. I was still nervous about the thought of it.

"That's a question for your mother. For many reasons. 1, she's a woman so she will automatically know more about this, and 2, she is a brilliant lady. Talk to her when your all done with those swords." Gobber said as he built a new axe for a villager.

"wow. Thanks Gobber. I didn't know you knew that much about my Mom."

"Well when you've been her husbands best friend for their entire relationship, you figure out a lot of things about both people."

M'kay I'm just gonna go back to my swords now. I don't really know how to respond to that.

I heard some footsteps in the distance that were coming closer. I decided not to look up, since I was adding a special design to my sword. I finally looked up and saw a beautiful woman staring at the intricate designs on the sword. It was the one and only, Astrid.

"Good day m'lady." I planted a kiss on her cheek but she turned it into a kiss on the lips.

"I'll give you two some alone time. Hiccup, I'll be back after my lunch break." I completely forgot Gobber was there until he said that. Awkward.

"How's the sword stuff going?" Astrid asked. Her eyes sparkled in the afternoon sun, making her look more beautiful. If that's even possible.

"I think it's going good." I just remembered, I needed to make a ring for Astrid!

"Well then I'll leave you to it Mr. Forge master. Me and Stormfly are going for a flight. Want me to take Toothless?" She asked standing up.

"I'm sure he would love that. Toothless wake up bud, you're going for a flight with Astrid." Toothless bounded awake and started running towards Astrid and Stormfly. "Hold on bud let me put your tail on auto." I turned the lever and he was able to fly. I pat his head and he knew what I meant.

"I'll see you later babe." She kissed my lips and mounted Stormfly and flew up, taking Toothless with her.

The ring will be gold, with a slight sparkle to it. Just like her eyes. I will engrave 'promise me your heart' on the inside and have the stike class symbol and the sharp class symbol, since those are the categories out dragons are under. Shouldn't take me long, only until late tonight I hope. (A/N: as I was describing the ring I just couldn't stop smiling!!! IM SO EXCITED!)

-time skip-

-about 11pm-

It was 11 at night and I had finally finished the ring. I sized it to her finger, so it would fit her just right. I took the ring to my house in a small little chest, and kept it on my desk so I wouldn't loose it. When I got to my house, I flopped onto bed, being exhausted from all the work today. I was fastly asleep.


"HICCUP!! BREAKFAST!" I heard a shout from downstairs as I slowly opened my eyes. Mom was shouting at me. I groaned, and slowly dragged myself out if bed and downstairs, where I slumped in the chair at the table.

"Someone had a late night, didn't they?" She said as she kissed my cheek and set my breakfast in front if me.

"Yeah. I was up almost all night making a ring for Astrid." I said as I pulled out the ring and showed it to her.

"Hiccup it's beautiful. She will love it. And I'm sure she'll say yes. Knowing your relationship, I guarantee a yes." Gobber was right, she does know a lot about this.

"Well how should I ask her?" I asked putting another piece of egg into my mouth and chewing.

"Well, that's up to you. Romance her, and then at the end, pop the question. It's not hard, but it's not simple. I remember when your father wanted to propose to me. He was so nervous he couldn't get a straight sentence out while he was around me. Makes me laugh." She said as she took the plates to the kitchen and washed them.

So all I had to do was set up a perfect day, and then at the end of the day, ask her to marry me! Seems simple enough. But I have to plan the day very carefully.

"Thanks mom!" I kissed her cheek and ran upstairs to begin planning. I wrote down plans on paper and made sure everything was perfect. And it was.

Nothing can stop me now.

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