6. Reunited

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Accardo Leondrí's POV

"My god, your father has you in a fucking death trap." I murmur, mainly to myself, knowing that the unconscious girl can't hear me.

"What do we do, sir?" Andrew asks.

I can feel all 3 pairs of eyes boring into the back of my head.

"I'm not handing her over to a bastard like him." I state, and they instantly understand what I'm saying. "However," I begin to add until Tony interrupts.

"We won't kill him, sir; we're not stupid." My main man finishes, and I force a smile.

"Good man." I respond, and he bows his head to me before the 3 of them leave. "Takun." I call to my doctor who is in his own room at the far side of the room I am in.

He opens the door and looks over at me.

"Yes, Sir?" He questions.

"She's passed out, please make sure she's okay." I request, rather than demand, and his features soften.

"Of course, sir." He responds and rushes over to Anna's side.

I pace up and down the room to try and calm myself whilst Takun works on Anna's body until I hear my doctor's voice.

"Sir." He calls, and I spin to look over at him.

I notice Anna stirring in her slumber and I let out a sigh of relief.

"She's quite alright, sir, was just overwhelmed." He explains, and I nod.

"Thank you, Takun." I say, and he bows before leaving.

I walk over to Anna and take a seat beside her, taking her hand in mine once more.

"Anna." I quietly call, and she flutters her eyes open.

She takes a moment to look at her surroundings before her gaze lands on me. She releases a breath, I don't even think she knew she was holding, once my presence has given her reassurance.

"Accardo..." She murmurs.

Her voice sounds so broken that it hurts to hear. I feel like I want to cry which is shocking for me considering I've seen people die in front of me and haven't shed a tear. I tighten my grip on her hand and she return it.

"I never meant for you to get involved in this, Anna. I didn't want you to get involved in my life. I never meant for you to get hurt, god damn." I explain, feeling guiltier by the second.

"Accardo." She simply responds, and I look at her. "It's okay... I... don't mind..." She hesitantly responds, and I sigh.

"Of course, you mind, Anna. Part of my job is killing people for god's sakes." I spit out and I see her wince at my words.

I sigh, deeply.

"I'm sorry, Anna, I really am." I assure her, and she forces a smile.

"I know you are." She tells me, and I duck my head.

"I need you to stay with me, Annastaćia." I tell her, and she gives me a bewildered look. "There are numerous people looking for you right now. They're trying to seriously hurt you. I can't let that happen to you; you don't deserve to be tangled up in this mess, and I wish with everything I own I could just let you go and return to your usual life doing whatever you do, but I can't. Not now. Your father is in this building right now, trying to find you and take you back to his house to do god knows what with you." I explain to her and I look back at her to see more tears falling. "Anna, please, don't cry." I add and slide my thumb across her cheeks to wipe away her tears.

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