15. Like Father, Like Son

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Anna Kieant's POV

I begin to stir and open my tired eyes. I look around at my surroundings and get a familiar sense of Déjà-vu. The sun shining through the wall of windows, the minimalist, yet modern, black and white furniture, the softness of the mattress I'm lying on. I begin to think back to what happened before I got here. My eyes widen as I begin to remember everything that happened last night. Emily. Gregory. Accardo. Tony. Guns. Shooting. Dead. Worthless. Threats.

"NO!" I scream as loud as I possibly can, overwhelmed with everything I remember.

I hear some pounding footsteps resonate throughout the building, getting louder as they approach my scream. The door bursts open and Accardo is there, out of breath, in his work suit. He pauses for a minute to examine the room, to check what it was that made me scream, but when he sees that nobody is here, and my terror-filled eyes focused on nothing in particular, screaming and pulling at my hair, he realises that I've just remembered.

"Anna!" He calls, dashing over to me, sitting beside me on the bed and pulling me against his chest. "Anna, calm down, I'm here, you're alright." He begins to reassure me.

"Accardo, Accardo, Accardo..." I begin repeating to myself in a whimper, gripping onto the sleeves of his black blazer.

"You're okay, Anna, you're safe now." He continues to assure me, and all I can do is nod, hiding my face in his chest.

"Please don't leave again, please don't leave me alone here!" I cry, and his grip tightens.

"I'm not going anywhere, Anna." He promises me.

Gregory Vanhouse-Kieant's POV

As I approach my father's home, I take a few deep breathes to prepare myself for my acting skills. I go rushing up to the door where his 2 guards, Tim and Cameron, are stood and they instantly open the doors for me.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I shout, pretending to sound desperate.

Millianne, my father's head maid, turns around to face me and looks shocked by my pretend, dishevelled appearance.

"Sir Londra!" She cries, running toward me, "What is wrong?!" She asks, worriedly.

"I need my father, Milly." I gasp out, sounding out of breath.

"Of course, of course!" She wails, leading me up to my father's office.

She knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" My father calls, sounding miserable as always.

"It's me, sir, Millianne. Your son is here to see you." She sweetly calls.

"Enter." He bluntly responds, and Milly opens the door, gesturing me inside.

"Thank you, Milly." I praise, and she nods, closing the door as she leaves.

"What do you want?" My father greets, clearly pissed off at the sight of me.

"She killed mother." I state, trying to sound grieved.

Father stands up suddenly and looks at me, wide-eyed.

"What?!" He asks me to repeat.

"Your fucking daughter killed Emily!" I exclaim, continuing my act of sounding distraught.

"I'll kill the little bitch!" Father bellows and I internally smirk.

That girl has no idea what's coming.

Accardo Leondrí's POV

"Please try and eat something, Anna." I plead of the girl in front of me as she pushes the vegetables around on her plate with her fork.

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