13. Her Scream

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Accardo Leondrí's POV

Tony is whizzing the car around town to get to my hotel, where Emily Vanhouse is supposed to be locked away. He approaches the front entrance and we both dive out the car. Tony throws the keys to Thomas, who is guarding the front entrance.

"Keep the car open and ready." Tony orders and Thomas nods, not saying any more as he sees the rush we're in.

Thomas and Simon both open the doors so Tony and I can run in.

"SIR!" A voice calls from behind me and I see Liam and Andrew running in.

"What happened?!" Andrew asks as the 4 of us run down to the basement.

"Parker claims that Vanhouse was with Londra when he took Anna from my garden." I explain, and they don't respond.

We get down to the doors and my eyes widen at the sight. The basement doors have been cut through. The steel fucking metal has been cut through and the chains that were keeping up locked up were laying on the floor, locks broken. I see a note sat on the metal chair she was locked down on.

'Yes, Mr Leondrí. This will all turn out as a loss for you.'

"FUCK!" I shout and slam my fist down on the arm of the chair.

"Sir, we need to find her, now." Tony interjects my anger and I glare at him.

"Why the FUCK is Vanhouse working with Londra?! What the FUCK is going on?!" I exclaim, fuming.

"I'll research that later, but right now, Todd has sent me a location as to where Vanhouse is." Tony insists, and I punch the wall one last time before following him out.

Gregory Vanhouse-Kieant's POV

"Not bad, Mother." I tell my mom who's carrying the unconscious half-sister of mine.

"I do try, dear." She responds, mockingly.

"Where does father think you are?" I ask, amused, and she sighs.

"You're not funny, Gregory." She mumbles.

"Of course not, mother." I sarcastically answer.

We approach the main room of my house and I see mother throw Annastaćia onto the couch, effortlessly. She stirs and begins to flicker her eyes open.

"Where...?" She mutters to herself as she looks around her surroundings, but her gaze soon falls upon myself and mother, to which she jolts upright, wide-eyed.

"Good evening, my love." I greet, smiling the most patronising smile I could.

"Where am I?! What have you done?! Where's Luke?!" She blurts out, flustered.

"Mention another man's name around me again, Annastaćia, and you will live to regret it." I threaten, and she silences herself.

"Nice to see you again, dear." Mother greets and Annastaćia's eyes widen.

"You..." She whimpers, cowering away from mother.

"Oh, dear, don't worry, I won't hurt you." She patronises and Annastaćia looks disgusted.

"Fuck. You." She seethes, and I narrow my eyes at her, instantly approaching her and the only sound heard in the room is slapping on skin.

Her hand instantly rises to sooth the now, bruised cheek and she looks at me in fear.

"You will not swear under my roof. Have I made myself quite clear?!" I order, and tears fill her eyes.

She nods her head, making me smile as if nothing had every happened.

"Good girl. Since you're my fiancée, I'm going to make a few rules around here." I torment, watching Anna shiver under my gaze.

Her eyes widen even more than they already are.

"Fiancée...?" She queries, and I smirk.

"N'aw, baby girl, did little Accardo not tell you that I was due to marry you on your 20th birthday?" I deign, and her breathing gets heavier.

"Send her to her fucking room before I smack her pathetic face." My mother menaces.

"Yes, boss." I tease.

I suddenly grab the girl by her hair and drag her up the stairs in my house. She screeches, thrashing about in my grip, tripping up step after step.

"Shut. The fuck. Up." I fume, throwing her into a small, isolated room at the top of my house.

She hits the back wall and falls to her knees.

"Get plenty of sleep, you'll need it for our little trip out for an engagement ring tomorrow, baby girl." I mock, and she doesn't respond any more than looking up at me. "Goodnight, sweetheart." I whisper before leaving, locking the door behind me.

Anna Kieant's POV

"Goodnight, sweetheart." Michaelo whispers before abandoning me in the pitch-black room.

I hear the lock of the door before his footsteps stride away. Accardo, please, I need you. I try to look around the room but it's too dark to tell what's in it.

"Accardo..." I whisper. "Please... I need you... I'm begging you... Please... Accardo... PLEASE!" I begin to scream.

Accardo Leondrí's POV

"Where are we, Arnett?!" I ask, my blood boiling.

"She's in there." Todd responds, pointing toward an abandoned house.

"You better not be fucking with me, Arnett." I warn.

"Fuck off, Accardo. I get it, she's your woman, you're pissed that she could be hurt, again, but I'm the only damn shot you have at saving her ass so cut me some fucking slack!" Todd exclaims, and I widen my eyes and he's never once raised his voice at me.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, surprised at my own apology.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Todd gently smiling at me.

"She'll be fine, Accardo. We're here now." He tells me, and I nod.

"I'm fucking sorry. I am just so fucking sick of being fucked about by Londra, Vanhouse and Kieant." I complain, and he nods.

"I know, and we'll sort it, but for now, listen." Todd tells me, and I raise an eyebrow in question.

He simply rests his index finger over his lips in a hushing motion and I do.

"PLEASE! PLEASE, SOMEONE! ACCARDO! TONY! ANYONE!" I hear a very faint but clear voice shout in the distance and my eyes widen, diving out the car.

"Anna...!" I murmur to myself as I, slyly, approach the building.

"Sir." A voice whispers and I look to my right to see Tony looking at me, gun in hand.

He points upward, and I follow his finger to see a window, very high up on the building.

"Anna?" I mime with my lips and Tony nods. "Shit." I hiss.

Tony begins to lead the way and I follow behind, intently. Anna's cries in the distance continue, until a loud thud rumbles throughout the dead atmosphere, followed by a scream. Her scream. 

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