7. Innocent Kiss

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Anna Kieant's POV

Just when I think I'm going to land on the solid ground and die, I land into a soft, yet extremely muscly pair of arms.

"I've got you, Anna." I hear a familiar voice whisper and I dubiously open my eyes, only to be met with the reassuring pair of brown ones that I've grown accustomed to seeing recently.

"Accardo..." I mutter back, and he smiles at me.

"Let's get you out of here, okay?" He utters, and I nod.

"What about Tony?" I question, concerned, yet he gives me an encouraging grin.

"Tony never loses." He tells me with confidence.

Tony Carter's POV

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Markus yells at me and I can't help but stifle a laugh.

"Tony Carter, sir, yourself?" I respond, patronisingly.

"Well, Tony Carter, it's a shame you're going to die here tonight." Markus threatens, and I chuckle once more as we continue shooting at one another.

It's a shame because, he's actually trying to kill me, but is missing his aim, however I am intentionally missing, knowing that Accardo does not want me to kill this man, merely because Anna does not want this man dead. I didn't want Anna to be a part of Accardo's life as I thought it would change him to be someone I would hate; however, she's actually making him a better person, and she's only known him for a day. Whilst I'm thinking to myself, I notice a huge pool of blood behind Kieant, and that's when I notice a dead Takun, causing me to gasp. The sight alone triggers a fire inside me and I fire a bullet straight at Markus' foot without hesitation.

He wails out in pain and falls to the ground.

"You come near Annastaćia again, or Mr Leondrí, I will not hesitate to kill you, Mr Kieant." I apprise.

I don't wait to see nor hear his response, I just walk away.

Accardo Leondrí's POV

As I'm carrying Anna, bridal style, away from my destructed building, my phone rings and I manage to slide it out my pocket and up to my ear, keeping Anna hoisted up with one arm.

"Tony." I greet, hoping he's safe.

"Sir." He responds, sounding slightly defeated.

"What happened?" I question, instantly.

"Markus Kieant, sir..." Tony begins, and I worry.

"What happened, Tony?" I ask, a bit more forcefully, not ever hearing Tony this distraught.

"He murdered Takun, Sir..." Tony explains, and I stop in my tracks, causing Anna to open her exhausted eyes and look up at me.

"He what?" I ask, not wanting to believe it.

"He did not kill Takun whilst I was in the room though, sir, so I'm thought to believe that... Anna... may have... seen it happen." Tony explains, sadly, and I look down at the tormented girl in my arms.

She gives me a quizzical look and I clench my eyes shut, taking a deep inhale.

"You saw Takun die." I whisper, keeping my eyes shut but I can feel her body tense in my arm.

"I... H-He... I didn't..." She begins stuttering over words, but I open my eyes to give her a look of reassurance.

"I'm so sorry, Anna." I mutter.

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