21. Firing Away Her Innocence

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Anna Kieant's POV

"Miss Anna, you really need to rest, my dear." Ruki pushes, but I still force myself up.

"A gun fired out there, Ruki, and Tony's left his gun in here, he needs it!" I plead, grabbing the weapon and hobbling over to the door.

"Miss, I'll take it to Mr Carter, just please rest." The doctor requests once more.

"No. I need to make sure that Accardo is alright!" I explain, looking over at Ruki.

He nods his head at me, understandingly, before Tony's voice catches my attention.

"NO!" He shouts.

I rush over to the door and look outside. I see Accardo, whom was walking back toward Tony, spin around to see none other than my father, Markus Kieant, running at him with a knife. Tony frantically searches his pockets for his gun but it's no use. Accardo doesn't have time to react, but I do – and I fire the gun in my hands without a second thought.

Accardo Leondrí's POV

I stare, wide-eyed, at the innocent girl and watch as the reality of the situation settles in.

"Anna..." I mumble to myself and begin to make my way toward her. "Anna...!" I repeat, louder.

I begin to sprint on over to the girl, where she drops the weapon and looks down at her shaking hands. She looks back up at me and the guilt in her eyes suddenly falters.

"Accardo, are you safe?!" She asks, worriedly, and I freeze in my positon.

"What...?" I whisper, more to myself.

"What? Is something wrong?! Are you hurt?!" She repeats, concern lacing her tone.

"Anna..." I mumble, still not knowing what to do.

"You stupid girl...!" A voice interrupts and all our eyes look back to see Markus, still groaning in agony. "You are going to die anyway, so we may as well speed up the process." He spits, and my eyes widen once more.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! What did you do to her?!" I screech, concerned yet furious.

Markus merely bursts into laughter.

"I didn't do anything." He groans. "She did." He adds, gesturing to the, now, dead, Lizbeth, lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood.

"She is your daughter!" I shout.

"And I am her father." He bluntly responds. "And that is how I shall die." He adds, and I raise an eyebrow, questioningly.

He doesn't say anything more before he drops to his knees in pain.

"RUKI!" I scream, looking back toward the house.

I see the doctor already rushing toward me.

"He can't die." I simply state and Ruki nods, instantly getting to work on the man's injuries.

Tony Carter's POV

As Accardo and Ruki focus on the bleeding Markus, I return my focus back to the girl behind me. Her expression has fallen back to one of guilt, confusion, terror.

"Anna." I call as I stride over to the girl.

She flickers her gaze over to me and I notice the tears that suddenly fall.

"Tony..." She whimpers, lips trembling.

"Anna, it's okay." I simply assure but she shakes her head.

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