9. Passion-Driven Protection*

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Warning: NSFW Scenes (Marked: !!!)

Anna Kieant's POV

I slowly open my eyes as the sound of the city enters my ears. I'm instantly blinded by the sun shining through the huge wall of window that is in the room.

"Wait, what?!" I mutter to myself, instantly not recognising my environment and sitting up, abruptly.

I scan my surroundings and recognise myself to be in a room that is very modern and well-maintained. Black and white themed. Thinking more carefully, my thoughts are cut off by a door at the opposite side of the room opening, where I recognise Accardo to come through. I notice he's just come out of the bathroom and so he's stood in nothing but a white towel on his lower half, droplets of water still gliding down his body, running over the crevices of his six-pack.

"Good Morning, Annastaćia." He greets, seeing me sat up.

"Good Morning..." I awkwardly respond.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He asks, walking over to, what looks to be, a balcony door, mixed amongst the wall of windows.

"I'm not really sure..." I respond, trying to recall yesterday's events.

"Yesterday was extremely hectic for you, so it's understandable that your memory is a little dis-oriented." He explains, heading out onto the balcony and leaning over the edge.

I stand up and notice that I'm no longer in the clothes I came in last night. I'm in a light-grey shirt that is way too big for me, it's more like a dress. I walk over to the balcony door and lean on the balcony beside him.

"How did you sleep?" He asks, grabbing a cigarette off of the table behind us and lighting it as it rests between his lips.

"Extremely well, I think; thank you very much, Mr Leondrí." I respond, and he turns his head to look at me, removing the cigarette from his mouth.

"It is no problem at all, Annastaćia." He responds, exhaling the toxic smoke from his mouth, into the breeze.

We both remain silent for a few minutes, but it's a comfortable silence.

"Did you undress me?" I suddenly blurt out, without thinking how to word it a bit better.

I see Accardo smirk out of the corner of my eye as he takes another drag of his smoke.

"Yes, Annastaćia, I did." He responds, looking over at me once more.

"Then you saw my body." I merely state and his eyes widen beyond comprehension at the realisation of what I'm referring to.

His cigarette falls from his hand and I can tell by his reaction that he had completely forgotten about my bruised body. He soon regains his composure and looks at me, concerned.

"I'll take that as a yes then." I cut the tension and he sighs.

"Anna, I-" before he can continue, I cut him off.

"Let's just not talk about it, yeah?" I insist, but that causes his expression to change into one of irritation.

"No, let's not not talk about it, Annastaćia. You're hurt, and I want to know what's going on. I told you that I will protect you, but how the hell am I supposed to protect you if I don't even know what I need to protect you from?!" He asks me, his anger coming out.

I turn to face him in frustration.

"No, Accardo, you do not have to right to just demand me for answers. I didn't ask you to help me. Hell, I didn't ask you to protect me from shit! You can't just demand answers from me, so fuck off." I spit, not wanting to tell him anymore information.

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