11. Looking Death Straight In The Eye

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Anna Kieant's POV

"So, here's where you've been hiding, Annastaćia." She greets me with and starts striding toward me, pulling out a rope from behind her.

My eyes widen, and I take quick steps back.

"Emily..." I whimper, frantically looking around at my surroundings for anything to defend myself with.

"You stupid bitch. You think you could just hide away in the house of none other than your father's biggest damn nemesis?!" Emily spits at me and my eyes widen.

As I try throwing my hands around me to find something, anything, to defend myself with, she wraps her hand around my throat and slams me up against the wall of window.

"Emily... I can't breathe..." I muster up through my choked breaths and she merely laughs.

"That's the point, you selfish girl!" She screams at me and flings the rope around my throat before I have time to react. "Die." She mutters to me, pulling the rope, tight.

Accardo Leondrí's POV

"Sir, we've been shopping for an hour and a half..." Tony tells me, hinting that we should leave.

"She needs a dress for our events, Tony." I tell him, looking at dresses for Anna.

I'm interrupted by my phone ringing in my pocket, I pull it out and see Phillip's name flashing on the screen which makes my eyes narrow in concern.

"Phillip?" I question, answering the phone.

"SIR! YOU NEED TO GET HOME, NOW!" He screams down the phone and I drop the dress in my hand, running out of the store with Tony hot on my tail.

"What's going on, Phillip?!" I ask, urgently, concerned at his mortified voice.

"Emily Vanhouse, sir!" Phillip simply states, and my eyes widen as I begin to sprint toward the car.

"WHAT ABOUT HER, PHILLIP?!" I bellow, concerned yet frantic.

"She has Anna locked in your room, sir; she's cut off all CCTV, we can't get into your room!" Phillip blurts out.

"HOW THE FUCK DID SHE GET INTO THE BUILDING?!" I roar, catching Todd's attention, who's is stood by the car.

He instantly opens the door for me and runs around to the driver's seat, knowing that setting off as fast as possible is more important than opening the door for Tony.

"I've no idea, sir, I'm so sorry!" Phillip cries and I sigh.

"Fucking hell, it's fine, just try and listen in, make sure she's safe for god's sake, DON'T LET HER GET HURT!" I scream the final part and end the call.

"Sir?!" Tony asks, urgently.

"Todd, take us home, NOW!" I exclaim to my driver, disregarding Tony's comment. "Vanhouse has Anna." I simply fume out and I hear Tony gasp.

"What the fuck, how?!" He asks, getting enraged himself.

"I've no FUCKING IDEA!" I screech, slamming my fist down on the dashboard as Todd speeds through the city.

Anna Kieant's POV

"Emily..." I mewl out through my ragged breaths.

"I love this. I love watching you in pain. I love watching you beg of me. You disgusting, vile girl." Emily spits.

She's letting me have the occasional breath. She wants me to die, but not before she wants me to wither in pain beneath her.

"I'm sick of watching your pathetic face, any last words, Annastaćia?" She asks me, toxically.

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