DR 1 Girls Reacting To S/o Asking Them To Sing A Duet In A School Talent Show

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Sayaka Maizono 

- She would be blushing but of course she was going to accept! 

- Sayaka isn't going to be pass up a chance to perform with you, school talent show or not! 

- She'd make it really fun, and be smiling the whole time. 

 Kyoko Kirigiri 

- What why would you ask her? She's more on the reserved side, and you'd never expect her to come up with you. 

- But she can't deny those puppy eyes, you're giving her. ''Fine, but don't expect me to sing loudly'' 

- She'll sing quietly, but have a small smile on her face seeing how much fun you're having with it. 

Aoi Asahina 

- She would be so pumped if you asked her to perform with you! 

- It sounds like so much fun and literally nothing can go wrong??? 

- Will be very hyper and energetic well performing, which is why you guys did more of a upbeat duet. 

Sakura Oogami 

- Doesn't mind going up to perform with you, it should be very fun.

- Let's you be the main star, because she loves your singing voice! 

- Would be down to do it again with you. 

Touko Fukawa 

- ''W-why would you ever wanna do t-that with me?! You're just trying to make a fool of me aren't you!'' ''Touko! I asked you cause I love you and I want you to do this with me! I will be fun, yeah?'' 

- Finally agrees but tries to stay out of the spotlight. Literally. ''GET THAT LIGHT AWAY FROM ME!'' 

 - You thought her reactions were kinda funny. 

Celestia Lunderberg 

- Performing on stage? That's what performers are for, not her. 

- After a lot of convincing she agreed to a do a duet with you. 

- She likes that you're having so much fun with it, she might as well enjoy herself as well. 

Mukuro Ikusaba 

- Poor blushing girl,,, she'd be too embarrased to join you on stage

- Once you tell her that it will be alot of fun she'll agree, Mukuro doesn't want you to be sad! 

- She's the kinda of girl to stay in the background, you'll probably have to take her by the hand and lead her up to the spot light. 

Junko Enoshima 

- You make sure to ask her when she's in her cuties persona

- ''Omg Y/n! That sound sooooo cute, we should tots do it!'' 

- The duet is you and all her persona that she goes through well singing the song.

- It's pretty hard not to laugh well she's randomly changing personas to the song. 

Hope you enjoyed! And remember to check out my Tumblr dangan-shuichiismywaifu-ronpa if you'd like to request anything do it on my Tumblr! Cause that's the only way i'll be able to see it! 

~ Mod Shuichi 

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