28. Reunion

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^^Persephone ❤😍

In Hades

Achelois POV

"Achelois? Achelois?" said a soft voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to find a young woman uttering my name. As soon as I laid eyes upon her I was left awe-stuck by her beauty which only intensified as I continued to stare. She was a pure, delicate being shrouded in an aura of delight.

She had on a white, lace dress adorned with miniature pink blossoms complimenting the floral bow styled on her hair. Her coral-black hair flowed down her waist and framed her face skillfully. Her sable toned orbs were enough to illuminate the entire room and if I hadn't known any better I'd perceive her to be some sort of angel. She was a being like no other almost as if she were the prime connotation of beauty. With every passing second I spent with her all worrisome I held prior had become replaced with joy and pleasure.

I quickly pinch my arm snapping myself away from her allurement. Assessing the situation at hand it came to my surprise I was no longer at home, but amidst an unfamiliar room with this mysterious woman. I hurriedly backed myself to the nearest wall putting distant between me and her. Slowly bringing my head up, I spoke.

"W...where am I?' I stuttered shifting my sights away from hers.

Shaking her head she moves in closer to me interlocking her hands with mines. With a smile on her face she eagerly answers "Hades."

Batting my eyes I was at a loss of words. I quickly released my hands from hers and gasped in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" I asked praying this was some silly joke of hers.

She then crosses her arms and pouts her lips at the notion of my question.

"You're in Hades, Achelois" she murmurs.

"Hades?" I whispered.

"Yes Hades" she exclaimed gleefully.

I didn't understand not one bit at what was taking place. Why am I in Hades and how does she even know my name? The last I recalled was getting ready for the upcoming festival in Arcadia with mother and father. Surely this must be a mistake, but if what she says is true then it could only mean one thing.

"Did I die?" I dared to ask.

"Yes" she mutters.

Hearing her dreaded response I soon began to snivel. This couldn't be happening. Just when I finally regained my freedom from Tartarus I wound up dead. Oddly enough I had no recollection of dying nor how this came about. Suddenly the young lady leans forward clasping my cheeks while wiping away the stray tears that fell with her thumb.

Her touch was warm and cool and I felt my nerves relaxed momentarily before processing what she had just said. Swallowing the hard lump down my throat I barely managed to ask my next question.

"If I'm in H...Hades then why d...don't I remember dying?" I said hesitantly.

Placing her fingers on her lips she thought long and hard before answering.

"In cases of traumatic events it's fairly common not to remember your own death" she voiced confidently.

"Traumatic events?" I repeated more so to myself.


"T...Then how did I d...die?" I asked fearing her response.

Shortly after I finished speaking a frown befell her face. She quickly placed her hand over her mouth as if she said something she wasn't supposed to. Slapping her cheeks she leans over placing her palms over mines.

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