Chapter 16: Patching up

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Logan breathed heavily. He looked at Jack Ferrit like he was dead. Both of them were panting, Logan more than Jack Ferrit. "I will call security if you don't go back to the hell-hole you crawled out of." Jack Ferrit said, with a calm, but stern look on his face. "Not with out my baby girl." Logan said, shooting me a creepily cheeky smile. "Oh no your not." Jack Ferrit stood in front of me with a protective stance. "I will not leave without my baby girl." Logan's tone was less impatient than before. "I told you you're leaving now." Jack Ferrit said, still sounding calm and stern. I stood there, knowing what was gonna happen next. Logan lunged forward at Jack Ferrit. I jumped in the way. I don't want his acting job to be ruined because of me. I felt pain surge through my nose. I fell to the ground, covering it as it started to bleed. "(Y/N)!" Logan yelled as he went to comfort me. I held one hand over my nose and backed away from him. "Look what you made me do!" Logan yelled and Jack Ferrit. "It's not my fault your a psycho!" Jack Ferrit yelled back at him. My hand was now full of blood. Jack Ferrit looked over at me. Rage seemed to fill his eyes as he saw the blood spilling out from my hand. He lunged at Logan, pinning him down. He punched him, again and again. He made sure to do no fatal damage, but enough to tell him to back off. I think I was in shock because my nose wasn't throbbing anymore. It was still bleeding, and it causing my to feel woozy. Jack Ferrit got off of Logan and went over to see if I was okay. Logan wasn't moving as security walked in. "Ms.(Last name)? Are you okay?" Jack Ferrit asked me, looking at my nose. "I-I will be. He didn't hit me full force after he realized what happened, but he couldn't stop him self completely." I said, trying to stop the blood from my nose. He made a hum sound in reply and helped my up. We walked back out to the party, but walked along the wall.

We made it into a room that seemed like a bedroom with a bathroom connected to it. He lead me into the bathroom where he proceeded to clean up my face. "Why did you invite me?" I asked him while he went to get another cleaning cloth. "Because I have heard talk about you and saw you around YouTube." He said, turning back to face me. "I wanted to meet you in person to see what all the fuss was about." He said, putting the cloth on my face once again. I flinched. "Sorry." He said, patting my face more gently. "And it turns out there was a good reason for it." He muttered to himself and smiled. "It's not broken, but you need to be careful. It's gonna hurt for a while." He said, looking sincere. "Thank you. It really is a pleasure to meet you Jack Ferrit, and I wish we didn't meet like this." I said, trying to be formal. He chuckled. "Just call me Jacky." He said and smiled.

(A/N) I'm actually keeping to my schedule! No way!

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