Thank you

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I just want to say a quick thank you to everybody who has read, or still reads this story. It means so much, and even after over a year after the publication of the first ever chapter, it's still being read. I know I haven't updated in a long time, and, I'm sorry. I'm not going to bother making excuses to you guys. But, I've just gotta say thank you. Thank you guys so much. Reading your comments, watching you guys react to a story I made, and actually like it, it means a lot. It makes me feel like I actually have even the smallest amout of possible talent, and that my writing isn't trash. It helps a lot and means a lot to an insecure girl just trying to make her way. Thank you all so much. This story wouldn't be where it is today without you guys. I probably would've given up on it a long time ago. Maybe it's time I actually finish this thing. Until next time, which will hopefully be in an actually chapter.

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