Chapter 1: Don't Say it.

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"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked Ash. "Ehh, do we have toast?" She asked. "Yea..." I answered. "Do we have eggs?" She asked. "Yea..." I repeated myself. "Do we have syrup?" She asked. "If you're hinting that you want French Toast, you've got it, cause that's what I wanted." I giggled. "We know each other so well." Ash laughed as she shuffled her way to the bar stool on the opposite side of the counter. "Yea, we do." I smiled, cracking the eggs with ease.
After breakfast was demolished by Ash and I we decided to call today a 'Lazy Day'. We had those often. I squealed as I got a twitter notification saying 'Ray's Heist is now up!' From RoosterTeeth.
Ash looked at me, then it dawned on her. "New video ehh?" She smirked. I nodded franticly, But stopped as I picked up 'How to train your Dragon' movie. "I'll watch it later..." I bit my lip. "Lets watch this." I smiled. "You're not gonna go obsess over those hot hunks?" Ash smirked, winking at me. "Hey now, I can contain myself. But not for long. So take it or leave it." I spat playfully.
Ash groaned as she got up and then plopped herself down on the couch. "Move your fucking ass or I'll just lay on you." I said after putting the disc into my Xbox 360. She stuck her tongue out at me and moved. "You love me." Ash smiled. "I hate you." I smirked. "Right, if you hate me then that means you love me." She said, as if it didn't faze her.
"And with that, you're so right." I smiled as we cuddled on the couch like sisters and I played the movie.

-After the Movie-

"What shall we do now?" Ash asked, yawning. "The usual, play minecraft, then bo2 then you watch me yell at the higher-more skilled players than me in Gears of War 3 or Judgment." I smiled. "Alright, but you Get my controller." Ash demanded. "Hey, I made you French toast. Be nicer to me and you'll get your way more often." I said as I tossed her, her controller. "Thanks love." She smiled. "Yea whatever." I nudged her and smiled, showing I wasn't mad, just joking- as usual.
"New world or Lil TND's world?" I asked. "What do you think?" She smirked. I nodded and selected our world. It was full of Let's Plays buildings, along with the giant creeper and the sheep and pig.
"I think we should start working on.... The Nega Tower Skull..." I said looking at our list of 'Let's plays' to build. "Mmk, ill pull up the Let's Build." Ash mumbled, grabbing her tablet. She placed it in front of us so we can occasionally pause it to copy Geoff and Gavin.

-Many, Many hours later.-

"Ok I'm done, I can't. I just can't." Ash said, placing her controller down, tired of building. "Yea I know, at least we got the Nega Tower LP done and monopoly!" I smiled brightly. "Alright, save so I can put BO2 in." Ash said stretching. I nodded and saved twice, once without exiting an then again while exiting, just like Geoff.
"You know, if someone was here to judge us about how Achievement Hunter has consumed our lives or changed is, they're right. We do so many things like them." I laughed. "Yep, we do. And damn proud." Ash spat. "Chill, I am too." I smiled proudly.
Ash put in the next game to play and I set it up, 1v1- Free-for-All -NukeTown2025 -unlimited time - 200 Kills wins. "Get ready to get your ass penetrated with bullets ash." I laughed evilly. "Hah, in your dreams, Ryan." She smirked.
Before I started the game I glared at her. "Stop that! I'm not like Ryan!" I yelled. "Fine, but you like him.... I bet you love him... I bet you have fantis-"
"ASHLYNN MARIE STORM SHUT UP!" I blushed furiously. "Hahahah! lets go before I die of laughter." Ash said holding her stomach.

Hannah's K/D: 147/98
Ash's K/D: 98/147

"YOU BITCH!" Ash yelled, as I q-scoped her. "Hah, stop being such a pansy and play the game right!" I tease.

-After Hannah Won-

"HAH! LOOK WHO WON-AGAIN!" I teased and raved. "Shut up, I'm tired ok?" Ash mumbled, slamming her controller on the coffee table. "Dude, we all know you're better at zombies than me, well... Sorta. Depends on the map." I giggled. "Yea, yea thanks." Ash smiled as she got us a beer.
"Ahh, the sweet, sweet Austin beer." I sighed, taking a sip of the cold drink. "Time to watch you rant on Gears... wanna record it this time? We should of last time." Ash asked. "I guess we should, last time was a riot for you but awful for me, damn no-lifers." I spat as I changed the game.
"You're calling them no lifers? Hannah, love. You're already 2nd prestige level 70 something? And on judgment you're prestige 5? I think. You just upgraded again, if anything you're right along with them." Ash teased as she slumped back down onto the couch.
"F-uck you!" My voice cracked a little, reminding me of Geoff.

-Many, more hours later.-

"I'm fucking done! I can't! Oh my God I rather play GTAV right now! I'm fucking DONE!" I yelled as Ash laughed her ass off while stopping the recording. "That, my dear, was priceless." Ash wiped the tears away.
"Fuck you!" I spat, as I 'simmered' down.
"Damn, already fuckin... 12pm? Err... AM...Dude..." I said, realizing my tired eyes droop. "Yea, we should head to bed." Ash said, yawning while stretching. "Aight, love you sis. Night." I said turning off my Xbox. "I know you're not going to bed yet, you won't be able to sleep until you catch up on the AH videos." Ash smirked.
"True, anyways. Love you." I said engulfing ash into a hug, hoping she won't say happy birthday to me now that it's after 12.
"Oh by the way,-" Ash began. "DONT. SAY. IT." I spat. "Ok ok... Fine." Ash smirked as she hugged me back. "Happy birthday..." she whispered in my ear. "Fuck you!" I slapped her playfully. "Nai!" Ash ran of to her room upstairs as I followed behind, heading to mine.
I did as Ash said I do every night, watch Achievement Hunter until I got caught up.
I looked at the clock, groaning as I saw the time. '3am' Fuck. I rolled over and went to sleep, as another video played through my earbuds.

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