Chapter 3: 'Hi Hannah'

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"Thanks for coming girls!" Lindsay said as a few RoosterTeeth and Achievement Hunter guys crowd around.
"Thanks for having us! It means a lot, really." I spoke with ease, not even shy anymore. "We've actually enjoyed it." Ryan smiled as he handed over my book. "Don't forget this."
I took it from him and nodded. "Will we see you gal's next tour?" Geoff asked. "Possibly, when is it?" I asked. "It's in a month, we'd love to have you!" Lindsay said.
I nodded as Ash had her 'googly' eyes on Jon. I rolled my eyes and shook everyone's hand and even got some hugs. "Again, thanks so much. This was seriously the best day ever." I smiled.
Ash hugged Jon and then hugged him again. "ASHLYNN DROP HIM." I yelled, earning some chuckles. She whined and let go. "Damn, you got a pair of lungs!" Michael said joining the little group. "Oh she does..." Ash smirked. I shot her a glare and then some people just left.
"I would show you out but I told Monty I'd be back to record more RWBY with him in the sound booth, see you gals around!" She waved by and ran off. "I'm gonna go start the car and wait out there. Bye guys!" Ash said. I handed her my book and talked to the rest before we left.
"See ya around Hannah." Michael waved, leaving Ryan and I alone. I sighed quietly, a small smile appearing on my face.
"Well, I guess this is... Goodbye?" Ryan said, trying to think. "Yea, unless I come back next month, which I might." I smiled. "Well, I hope you do." He held out his arms for a hug. I blushed and hugged him. "Happy birthday." He whispered in my ear.
"Thanks Rye." I smiled, trying to hide the blush that's creeping up on my face. "Ill walk you out?" He said pointing to the exit, placing his hand behind his back. I nodded and we walked forward. "So, what's your favorite game?" He asked.
"PC or Xbox?" I asked. "Both." He said as we walked slowly to the exit. "Well, I don't really play PC games, I mean, I would but y'know. But I have played minecraft on a few servers." I said. Ryan nodded, "as for Xbox, I can't choose, id say... probably the Gears of War franchise, they were very good. Then GTAV... Minecraft... Black ops 2... Ghosts... Mortal Kombat 9." I could go on but decided to stop. "MK9 is pretty awesome, great graphics." He approved. "So does the Gears Franchise." He paused. "But on Gears 1 and 2 online was shit." He said bluntly like it didn't faze him. "I totally agree." I said nodding.
We got out to the car and I sighed. "Thanks for showing me that gadget you're gonna bug Gavin with tomorrow." I smiled. "No problem, my pleasure. Hope to see you again. Soon." He smiled before he walked back in. I got in the car and sighed as I grabbed my book.
"So... how'd it go talking with your boo?" Ash teased. "Shut up, Ms. 'Googly' eyes towards Jon." I smirked.
Ash started the car and headed home. I stared at my book and smiled. Once we got home I dismissed myself to my room to read all the comments in the book.

Gavin: Happy birthday! -Gav.
Michael: Mogar sends his Happy Birthday Greetings to you! -Michael
Lindsay: To a special birthday girl! Hope to see you again! -Lindsay
Geoff: Happy Birthday! Hope it's fun as dicks! -Geoff!
Ray: Yolo!! -Ray<3

I decided to skip some until I got to Ryan's.

Ryan: Keep that smile on your face, it looks good on you. Happy Birthday. -Ryan

I smiled as I read it over and over, then I closed the book and sat it on my nightstand and turned on a video to fall asleep to.

-Next Day-

I woke up with the sun in my eyes, I groaned and got up. I shuffled my to Ash's room and got in her bed. "Wake up." I whined.
"No." Ash whined. "Gotta get up, I'm hungry, your turn to make breakfast." I said as I got back up. Ash sighed and got up. "Fine." She spat.
We walked downstairs and she started breakfast. I sat on the couch and turned on my Xbox.
After breakfast was finished we ate and put everything away. "Your phone went off." Ash said. I looked at it and it was Achievement Hunter saying a VS. has been put up.
I opened up my YouTube app on my Xbox and went to their channel. I clicked on it.

"Aye! What's up guys this is VERSES! Ryan VS Michael! What do you have this week to earn the belt Michael?" Geoff asked.
"Well, I thought we'd play 'break the ice.'!" Michael said putting the box on Ryan's old desk table.

After Ryan won he put the belt back on his shoulder and held up the rooster trophy, or the 'cock' and smiled at the camera and said something that was inaudible.

"WAIT! DID YOU SEE THAT!?" I jumped at the sudden outburst that came outta Ash's mouth. "What!?" I asked, holding my heart. "REWIND. REWIND! REWIND!" Ash said as she tried to grab my controller. She rewound it and pointed. "Watch.." she whispered.
It played over- I didn't see anything unordinary. "What?" I asked, flustered. "Read Ryan's lips." She said, still pointing. I watched carefully rewound it a few times before I caught on.
'Hi Hannah' he waved his hand by his side and winked.
"SEE!! HE SAID HI TO YOU! HANNAH DO YOU SEE THIS!?" Ash yelled, again startling me. "SEE WHAT!?" I asked, faking that I didn't see it. "He winked at you too! Hannah!" Ash squealed. "Nah, he wasn't." I blushed. "He totally was... and it's totally for you." Ash smirked.
I didn't say a thing, just smiled. 'Was it really towards me?' I thought.
We watched re-runs of GTAV while we waited for more videos.

-Ryan's PoV-

"Alright fuckers, it's time to do a lets build. Ryan, Gavin get your shit ready." Geoff said.
I gave a sigh and went to my desk and sat my beer down and loaded minecraft. As soon as we got out recording equipment ready we started.
"Alright, so the others are busy with other shit so we are stuck doing another block of yellow wool for Mega Tower..." Geoff sighed.
"So, how was the tours yesterday? I didn't come in till after 1." Geoff asked. "Top, there was a pre-tour thing for some girls sisters birthday thing. They seemed nice. Cute too." Gavin smiled. "Oh! Yea I met those gals." Geoff said. "They were very nice girls." I spoke.
"Yea, Ryan mostly took over tho, kinda unusual." Gavin said. "Shit..." I mumbled. "Nah, thought i'd be nice and show them stuff-"
"You mean everything..." Gavin whispered. "Shut up." I spat.
"Seems like Ryan has the hots for one of them." Geoff teased. "Do not!" I said.
"He totally does, I think it's towards the birthday girl. Every time I looked at Ryan he was looking at her when she wasn't paying attention." Gavin said.
I felt my cheeks burn, 'This isn't gonna end well, nor end ever.' I thought. "I think she's coming back next month." I mumbled. 'Shut up!' I told myself.
"I bet she will." Gavin teased.
We talked that whole lets play about the tour and the girls. Occasionally talking about something else but went straight back to them.

Hey Gavinators! I hope you like my book so far, I think I'm gonna start doing 'Song of The Day' for the chapters, just to make it better maybe? It will be at the beginning of the chapter up top. Let me know if you would want that! Next chapter will be up tomorrow! Love you all!

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