Chapter 24: Home at last...

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(No SOTC Today sorry)

Ryan and I woke up earlier than everyone else, We were going home today. I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole. I hated being here the whole week and a half I was here.

Ryan made breakfast while I took a shower and packed my clothes that I washed the night before. I walked downstairs and kissed Ryan cheek and sat down to eat.

"You ready to leave?" Ryan asked, joining me.

"The hell I am, can't wait to go back to my usual lifestyle... Gavin making a mess in the office when it just got cleaned, Michael yelling at Gavin for being an idiot, Geoff trudging in muttering he hates Monday's, you trying to make sense of Gavin's words, Jack eating whatever we put on his desk before he even say's hello to us, and Ray making quiet, quick witted jokes we hear, but respond to late and he groans in frustration telling us 'you ruined it, never mind.' But he's totally playing... and Ashlynn and Jon sucking faces in the corner..." I trailed off, I sometimes rant randomly.

"Sissy?" Azura called, groggily as she wobbled in the kitchen rubbing her eye.

I smiled and looked away from Ryan to Azura, "Yea baby girl?" I said. She walked over to me and held her arms up. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. "What are you doing up at 5 in the morning?" I asked.

Azura shrugged and yawned. "Can I have some breakfast?" She asked, eyeing my food.

"Sure!" I said, I was about to put her down when Ryan shook his head and got up to get her some pancakes.

"How many do you want sweetie?" Ryan asked, getting a plate.

"...Three?..." She said, rubbing her eyes again. Ryan nodded and plopped down three pancakes on her plate and put butter on it, then placed it on the table and handed Azura the syrup. I put Azura in her own chair so I can continue eating.

"What are you doing up sissy?" Azura asked.

"We're up because our plane leaves in a few hours." I said, sighing slightly.

"You're leaving already?" Azura whimpered. I nodded and took another bite of my food.

"Yea, but you can come down anytime you want, you can stay with me and Ashlynn." I smiled.

"Really?!" Azura smiled. I nodded once again and looked up to see Ash trudging in the room going straight for the food.

"Morning to you too!" I said sarcastically as she glared at me.

"You know it's 7am at home? Yea I'm not happy being up right now, specially staying up last night texting Jon." Ash growled. I held up my hand and laughed.

"Sorry, at least I actually went to sleep!" I teased.

After breakfast we all sat in the living room talking. Mom came down at 6:30 and wondered why we were ALL up at this hour. "Morning, what you guys doing up?" She asked.

"Flight leaves in a hour." I said flatly.

"Oh... Ok..." Mom left the room and made coffee. We continued our conversation.

"I bet we have a crap load of work to do..." I mumbled, looking at Azura and Ryan.

"Yea, I bet we do..." Ash said, texting I'm assuming Jon.

"Don't know, they probably do have a lot for us." Ryan shrugged. Mom came in the room and sat in the recliner.

"So, did you guys eat?" She asked, everyone nodded. "Ah..."

-Hour Later-

"We gotta go baby girl..." I said hugging Azura.

"I'm gonna miss you..." She whimpered. "When can I come and visit you?"

"Whenever you want-"


I chuckled lightly, "No, I think you should wait for a little while," I let her go and grabbed my suit case.

"Aw.. Ok..." Azura whimpered and hugged Ash, then Ryan. Ryan picked her up and twirled her around and kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna miss you!" Azura smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you too!" Ryan smiled. Hugging her tightly.

Mom walked in the room and sighed, walking up to me and hugged me, this was the first time in a week that she's hugged me. "I'm gonna miss you baby girl.." Mom whispered. She sounded... Sad... That's unusual for her.

"I'm gonna miss you too." It was a 50/50 feeling, not gonna miss her but at the same time you're gonna miss your parent anyways.

"Call me when you land." Mom said as she let go and hugged Ash. I nodded and sighed.

"Bye Mrs. Lily." Ryan said. Mom walked up to him and hugged him. I was shocked, she went from accusing him for being a pedophile to hugging him? Wow...

"Please, call me Mom." Mom whispered, Ryan hugged back and nodded then let go, grabbing my suit case out of my hand and the 2 bags we had and took them out to the car.

I looked at mom with shock and confusion, she just told him to call her mom? Woah...

"Alright Azura, I gotta go..." I said, kneeling down to her level. She walked up to me and stared at me for a second before she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me. "Ill miss you." I whimpered.

"Ill miss you too sissy..." Azura sniffle.

"Don't worry, ill be back again soon. I promise." I smiled at her as we pulled away. Azura nodded and wiped her eye.

I stood back up and sighed, "Alright, I guess this is a goodbye-for now..." I said.

Mom nodded and I turned around and walked out of the house up to the car, Ryan waiting as he relaxed against the car. "Ready to go home babe?" He asked, smiling.

I nodded and smiled. "Yep... come on Ash we don't want to be late." I said as I pulled Ash to the car.

"Bye!" Mom said, holding Azura. I waved and got in the car, Ryan slipped in the drivers seat and Ash climbed in the back.

We pulled out and drove away.


We arrived and went through security pretty fast, we boarded the plane and Ryan took the window seat, I sat in the middle and Ash sat behind us. I leaned up against Ryan and sighed. He wrapped his arm around me as the stewardess spoke.

"We are currently taking off, please fasten your seat belts until further notice, we will be back in Austin in 2 hours. Have a nice flight." She said through intercom.

I closed my eyes, I didn't want to be awake on the plane with nothing to do. I soon fell asleep.

-2hours later-

I woke up with a small jolt as the plane was landing. I sighed and rubbed my face and cuddled closer to Ryan's side. He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Welcome to Austin Texas!" The stewardess said through intercom. I smiled, I'm home.

We got off the plane, got some coffee at star bucks and a lunch. "I missed Austin so much!" I smiled, walking outside in the sun.

"I did too!" Ash said running around, almost tripping but laughed after she regained her balance. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I walked to my car, it has been here ever since I left.

We all piled in and I dropped Ash off at our place. Ryan and I went to his place and relaxed on the couch, watching movies, dozing in and out on occasion as jet lag was getting to us.

"I love you." Ryan randomly said, holding me close.

"I love you too baby." I smiled. He kissed my nose and closed his eyes, I did the same and soon we were fully out for the day.

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