Chapter 2: Birthday Tour- Behind the Scenes

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"Wake up Hannah, Happy Birthday!" Ash said pulling the covers off me. "Ash, you know I'm not a damn morning person, leave me alone until 11." I groaned, rolling over. "Get your lazy ass up or I'm going to pull you off this damn bed!" Ash demanded. "You wouldn't dare." I spat, glaring at her.
"Try me." She squinted her eyes. I glared at her and then pulled the covers over my head. I felt her warm hands wrap around my ankles as she pulled me to the edge of my bed. Inch by inch closer to falling on my face.
I didn't dare to move, she will just give up anyways. I'm a stubborn ass, yea I'll admit it.
She pulled me right off the bed and we threw ourselves into a laughing fit. Then she helped me off the ground. "Stubborn ass mother fucker." She looked at me with a crooked smile. "Uh oh..." I mumbled. "You have something planned." I said, crossing my arms.
"Just get dressed, something decent." She growled playfully as she left my room. I rolled my eyes as I looked in my closet searching for One of my favorite shirts.
"Ashlynn Marie Storm you better tell me where the fuck Ryan's 'Fixed' achieve shirt is right now or so help me!" I yelled, stomping to her room. "Did you look in your closet?" She asked. "Yes!" I spat.
She sighed and walked to my room and went to my closet as I followed behind. She sighed once again as she pointed to the shirt that was on the floor off it's hook. "What is this?" She tapped her foot. I rubbed my arm shyly as she picked it up and tossed it to me. "What would I be without you?" I asked. "Nothing, Nothing at all." She giggled as she patted my head and went on her way.
I decided to take a quick shower and put on decent makeup, you never know what Ash has planned. I got dressed, put my hair up in a pony tail and put my blue-Nike shoes on.
I put on a few hair ties on my left wrist as style and if needed. I jogged down the stairs with a smile on my face. "You look astonishing!" Ash said smiling. "Thanks, same to you." I winked at her. "Ready?" Ash asked as she handed me a toasted bread with butter and strawberry jelly. "Thanks, where are we going?" I asked, biting into the bread.
"It's a surprise, but you have to be blind folded." Ash smirked, holding up one of her bedtime blindfolds. I sighed and nodded. We walked to the car and got in, she put the blindfold on me and told me to sit on my hands.
The car started and I felt it move. I lifted my hand up to my face, "NO." Ash said swatting my hand. "I HAVE A ITCHY NOSE OK!?" I yelled, scratching my nose. I sat back on my hands and sighed, anxious to where we're going.
Soon I felt the car come to a stop and Ash turned it off. "We're here, but don't take it off yet, I'ma pull you out and walk you up to your surprise. I nodded, sighing again.
Ash got out, slammed her door and then opened mine moments later, grabbing my arm and pulling me out, slamming my door next. She led me somewhere and stopped, "ok, take it off..." Ash mumbled as I heard a 'ting' noise of a phone.
I ripped the blindfold off, fixing my hair a little before I looked up. "Stage... 5!!!!!" I yelled, putting my hands up to my face. "Surprise!" Ash said holding up your tickets. "Their first tour of the new building!" Ash said happily as she recorded me on her phone. I cried, thank God I had waterproof eyeliner and mascara on.
"You're not fucking with me are you!?" I choked. "Nope! Here!" She handed me the ticket and I inspected it. It's real.
"Lets go! Looks like no one has arrived yet!" Ash said pulling me in the building.
"Hello, may I help you?" A sweet red-headed girl asked. I gasped as I was in front of THEE Lindsay Tuggey-Jones! "Yes, I'm taking my sister here for a private pre-tour for her birthday." Ash said. I looked a her, eyes tearing up again. "Hello, Ashlynn right?" Lindsay asked. "Ash, yes." She smiled.
Lindsay nodded, "you must be Hannah, your sister here has spoke highly of you, I hope you enjoy the pre-tour as in 45 minutes more people will be coming. You're more than welcome to stay during both." Lindsay smiled.
I couldn't speak, Ash saw that. "She's shy around other people, I don't know why when she's a bitch most of the time." Ash smirked. "Can you sign this-please?" I finally got out, handing her an Achievement Hunter Book that had all the updated info of everyone. "I see you got our new book. I'd be happy too!" Lindsay said as she searched for her page. She signed it and wrote a little note that I didn't read-just yet.
"Thank you for coming, we love our fans!" Lindsay smiled. "Micoo?" I said as I heard faint yelling. "Hah, yea, Michael's working on a rage quit right now, wanna see?" Lindsay asked. I nodded as Ash nodded too.
"Lets go." Lindsay led us to the AH office. Opening the door quietly as Michael Raged at a scary game.
"EVERY FUCKING TIME YOU SON OF A BITCH I FUCKING WANNA RIP YOUR GUTS OUT AND THEN FEED-AHHH!!" Michael yelled, before screaming when Lindsay snuck up on him and grabbed him. "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU LINDSAY!" Michael yelled, before smiling as his red-face turned white again after he saw her and company. He stopped the recording and gave Lindsay a chaste kiss.
"Hello babe, who's these lovely-....ladies?" Michael said as Lindsay playfully hit his arm. "They're the ones for the pre-tour." Lindsay smiled.
"Hello ladies, I'm Michael." Michael shook our hands as Ash flipped out. "Michael Jones! OMG you're my Hero Sun!" Ash squealed. Michael tilted his head, flustered. "RWBY, Michael." Lindsay said. "OHH! Thank you!" Michael smiled.
"Micoo? C-Can you sign this please?" I asked, shy as a baby bird. "Certainly!" Michael smiled, grabbing a pen off his desk and scribbled his name and a note also. He handed it back to me and I smiled.
"I hope to see you ladies later when the others come in! I gotta get back to work or Geoff will get mad, today is very busy." Michael smiled, shaking our hands and then getting back to work. "Gavin and Ray are at lunch, along with a few others." Lindsay said as she showed us where she's stationed at, or know as where her desk is.

-45Minutes later-

"Well, now that you know where everything is, I'm gonna let you guys explore around to look at our things and do whatever, we wouldn't do that with a big group but it's special, for your birthday Hannah." Lindsay smiled. I nodded, smiling. "Thanks Lindsay!" I spoke happily. "I gotta attend another tour, if you need me or someone, just go and ask someone for help." She smiled and left in a flash.
"Ash, you're the bestest sister/friend ever. I love you!" I cried. "Love, I wanted something special for your birthday that you'd like, plus, I like it too and did you see Jon? OMG." Ash fangirled. "Shut up!" I giggled.
We walked back into the AH office as no one was in it at the time. We examined each desk, seeing Gavin's new desk with no scratches on it made me smile.
"May I help you ladies?" A deep voice said. I quickly turned around, holding my book tightly to my chest. Soft blue eyes lock with mine, silence filling the air. "Uh, no thanks, Lindsay said we can roam around if we wanted just for my sisters birthday." Ash said proudly. "Oh you're the birthday girl! Happy birthday! I'm Ryan." He smiled like a gentleman as he held out his hand.
I grabbed it, blushing as our eye contact never broke. "H-Hannah." I said gulping down a squeal. "I'm ash, and ill be right back- I wanna ask Jon about the new RWBY shirt coming out." Ash said winking at me as she left me alone with Ryan, my crush.
"So... wanna see my set up?" Ryan asked, still smiling. I nodded, loosening my grip on the book.
Ryan showed me everything and even showed me how to edit a video a specific way.
"I like your choice of shirt, I assume you're more than a fan?" He smirked slightly. I nodded, straightening my shirt proudly. "Lads or Gents?" He asked, raising a brow.
Yea, I love the Lads just as much as the Gents, but recently I've turned and went to team Gents because of Ryan. "Gents." I smiled. "I like you already." Ryan smirked, looking down at me as he was about 5in. taller than me. "Here, ill show you my new gadget I'm going to bug Gavin with." He smirked, leading me somewhere I've been but haven't looked at anything thoroughly.

That One's Mine! -Ryan Haywood FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon