Chapter 32: "Together"

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It's been a month and I can already tell my hormones are fucked up. I am usually, never, really mean, cruel or harsh with my words... I sigh as I relax against the couch, blanket over myself, watching old re-runs of Grey's Anatomy.

"Baby, I'm home!" Ryan calls out, walking in and setting his keys on the counter top in the kitchen.

"In here!" I reply, I look up once he is looking down at me from behind the couch. "How was work?" I ask.

Ryan sighs and leans down, planting a kiss to my lips. "Two words, Drunk Gavin..."

I chuckle slightly, "Ahh, Lovely." I pull my feet close to myself to let him sit down. Ryan sits down and I rest my feet on his lap. "Was it super busy today? Like it has been?"

"No, Not really, just a lot of editing." Ryan mumbles, staring at the TV. "What season you on now?"

"He's gone..." Christina looks at Meredith.

"I-I- I don't think he's gone... His stuff is still here..." Meredith glances around the room.

"His trumpet was here-" She walks over to where it was.

"After this one I will be in season four..." I mumble.

Christina walks over to their, well once was their bedroom. "His lucky scrub cap was hanging on the door..." Christina turns around and looks back at the bare living room. She faces Meredith again. "He's gone!" She pauses. "I'm- I'm free..." She begins to shake slightly. "Dammit..." She mumbles quietly. "Dammit!"

I bite my lip, "I hate cliffhangers..." I sigh, sliding my feet off of Ryan's lap and onto the floor.

Ryan chuckles slightly, "You have all the seasons, even the newest one..."

"I know," I look back at him. "Still, I used to watch this on TV weekly... Can you imagine what I was like then? I went crazy." I walk over to the xbox and opened the tray, slipping the disc out and back into its place in the box, then grabbed the next season and opened the box.

"How bad was it?" He asks, oh God... Don't ask...

"If you really want to know... Ask Ash, She'd tell you." I slip the next disc in the tray and closed it.

"That bad huh?"

I nod and walk back over to the couch, laying back down and propping my feet on his lap. "Pretty bad..." I pressed play and turned the volume up.

"How was your day?" Ryan looks at me. "Did you eat?"

I nod again, not taking my eyes off of the screen. "Mhmm.." I hum.

-Later that day.-

I dry my short hair with the towel, there's really no point in drying it with a hair dryer, I rarely use it anyways to begin with.

"Hey babe?" Ryan calls from the bedroom.

"Yea?" I pull on one of Ryan's old shirts, then started to brush my hair out.

"I want to hear your opinion on something..." He says a little quieter.

I can't see a bump yet... But the doctor did say not at least until the twelveth through the sixteenth week I will be showing. "About?" I ask, looking at my stomach in the mirror. Ryan stays quiet, I frown, still looking in the mirror. "Babe?"

"Marriage..." Ryan says, leaning up against the door frame.

I turn to look at him. "Marriage?" I pull the shirt back down as Ryan nods. "What- What made you think or bring Marriage?" I bite my lip. My mind instantly plays back Christina's wedding.

"Well," Ryan bites his lip slightly, thinking of what he's gonna say next. "I was just asking a question, which was your opinion on it..."

I glance down at the floor, then back at Ryan. "I think it is a beautiful thing... For two people that love each other and want to spend eternity together." I turn back around and put my towel on the rack, then walked passed Ryan.

Where is this coming from? Is this coming from when I was watching the show earlier? We never talked about Marriage... I walk over to the bed and pull the blankets back.

"Do you love me?" He crosses his arms over his chest, watching me.

I stop and faced him. "What kind of question is that?" I ask, frowning. "Of course I do! If I didn't I wouldn't be here living with you and carrying your child!" I snap slightly. Dammit! Stop, damn hormones. I don't want to sound like a bitch right now when he clearly looks serious. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Because, one day I want to marry you, that's why!" He says quickly, his eyes widen, I don't think he meant to say that out loud... Not yet anyways...

I freeze. I've always dreamed of Marrying Ryan, ever since I met him actually. But what if he changes his mind and leaves me at the alter? Or I panic and take to long, and end up not going?... It's quiet, but we're holding an intense stare.

"You're gonna be having my baby girl or boy, how would we explain to the child that we're not married but we're his or her parents? Yea, it's a huge step, but I'd take it if you'd take it too." He says, his stare softening slightly.

I gnaw on my bottom lip, I don't know what to say... I want to, but I'm scared to death of being a single mother, raising a baby, his baby.

Ryan walks up to me and cups my face with his hands, his thumb runs over my bottom lip gently. "Would you take the step with me?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me. "It doesn't have to be now, we don't have to rush it, even if it takes years, I wanna take this step with you. I just want some clarification, that has been clouding my brain for the past month, that you settle with me and I can call you my wife."

I nod slowly, I want this, so badly. But my fears are holding me back, I close my eyes for a few brief seconds to get the anxiety inducing thoughts out of my head. "I'll take the step, as long as you hold my hand through it all." I whisper.

Ryan relaxes and smiles. "I love you." He whispers. "I know you're scared, but we can do this together." He presses his lips to mine. "Did you hear me? We can do this, together." He looks in my eyes.

I nod, "Together."

That One's Mine! -Ryan Haywood Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن