Chapter 20: A Pleasent Surprise

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-A Few Days Later-

I'm so fucking pissed! My flight got canceled! Fuck me... I grumbled as I walked out in the back yard and sat in the swing, looking up at the sky.
I pulled my phone out and called Ryan. "Hello?" He answered on the second ring.
"Hey baby," I tried sounding happy.
"What's wrong?" Ryan asked, worry seeping through his words.
"My flight got canceled..." I whimpered. "I'm sorry, the next flight won't be available till the weekend..." I felt so bad, we had plans for our 1 year anniversary.
"It's fine baby," Ryan sighed. "Maybe there will be a flight coming back to Austin tomorrow."
I shrugged, "I hope..." I whimpered.

-Ryan's PoV-

I sighed as I stopped my editing and started looking at plane tickets. If she can't come to me, I'll go to her. I smiled brightly as I saw there was available tickets. I bought one instantly.
"I love you baby." I said happily.
"I love you too babe, I miss you... why does this have to happen? I want to come home! I can't stand being here anymore... the only thing that i'll miss here is Azura." Hannah whimpered.
I shook my head. "I miss you too, Azura will miss you I know." I said as I pulled the phone away from my ear and whispered.
"I need to go, I'll explain later." Geoff nodded and I left work. "Don't worry, we will see each other real soon..." I smiled, she doesn't even know how soon. I smirked as I got in my car.
"Son of a Bitch! Babe I gotta go... moms bitching again." Hannah sighed, irritated.
"Alright baby, I'll call you a little later. Love you." I kissed the phone
"I love you too." She whimpered and kissed back. I smiled and we hung up.

-Ashlynn's PoV-

Hannah walked in the room and grumbled as she walked towards me.
"What's up your butt?" I joked, she glared at me like she could kill me. I put my hands up. "I'm sorry! Forgive me!" I chuckled.
"The bitch is what's up my butt." She grumbled. My phone started vibrating, I picked it up, Ryan? I answered it.
"Hello?" I asked, a little confused.
"I need to talk to you, but you can't tell Hannah. It's a surprise."
"Alright hold on." I said as I started walking away.
"Who is it?" Dammit Hannah why are you so picky?
"Jon, ill be back." I smirked, I went outside up front and sighed. "Alright, we're in the clear."
"Alright so..." Ryan started.

-Hannah's PoV-

Mom shut up for fuck sake's! I growled as Mom nagged at me about stupid shit I didn't do.
"Mom," I interrupted her.
"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking Hannah!" Mom scolded.
"I'm still talking Hannah, wait your turn."
My blood started to boil. "MOM!"
"What!?" She snapped.
"I am not in the mood right now... Please leave me alone for a while... I fff-Beg you." I said through my gritted teeth, glaring at her. She sighed and left the room.
I sighed and relaxed on the couch, closing my eyes. I heard footsteps and growled. "Sissy?" I instantly stopped.
"Yea Azura?" I asked, sitting up.
"Wanna play MK9 with me?" She asked. I nodded and got up, sitting on the floor and turning the Xbox on.
I wish today was over already...
Ash came in the room and watched us. "How's Jon?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the tv. My ass was getting kicked.
"Good, he misses me." She giggle. "Yea yea gross." I made fake gagging noises.
"Hey! I don't do that to you and Ryan! Be nice!" Ash growled. I shook my head and laughed.
"Not a chance."

-2 Days Later.-
-Ashlynn's PoV-

I jumped up and down with excitement. I can't believe I kept this secret this long. I always told Hannah everything.
"We gotta find sissy a pretty dress." I said to Azura, I mean why not have her help pick? I need a partner! We were at the dress store.
"How bout this one?" Azura asked, it was pure black with no straps, a white bow tied around the waist and it was knee length.
"Pretty! But why don't we get your sister this one, it's kinda the same, but a little longer, white, strapless with a lovely pink flower. "
"What does strapless mean?" Azura asked.
"It means it isn't held up on your shoulders." I said, looking at another dress. "How bout this one?"
Azura shook her head. "Not pretty enough." She grumbled. I chuckled and agreed. "I like the white one..."
"Me too, let's get it for her."
"Why are we getting sissy a dress?" She asked, looking up at me. I bit my lip. I can't tell her, she will slip I know.
"It's a surprise." Was all I said.
We bought the dress and drove back home. Once we got home I went straight to Hannah's... Azura's room.
"Wake up princess!" I said.
"No." She hissed, I squinted and tapped my foot. Hmm...
"Azura! I need your help!" I yelled. Azura ran in the room, she's a child. She can get Hannah up. I knelt down and whispered in her ear.

-Hannah's PoV-

I heard whispering and giggling, I growled and covered my head up. If I couldn't be home with my boyfriend then why should I get up? I regret coming here.
Then I felt someone climb on me. "Sissy! Get up!" Azura said. I didn't reply. "Sissy!!!!" She whined. "Plan B." She mumbled. She started jumping on me. It didn't hurt but it was annoying.
After she got used to me being around, she would do this every morning, it always got me up after I couldn't take t anymore.
"Fine! I'm up!" I growled. I uncovered myself and pushed Azura off lightly. She started giggling. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I grumbled and growled as I stumbled to the bathroom.
I came back out and into Azura's room and they were both in there, waiting for something. "What!?" I snapped. I didn't mean to, I was just upset.
"We have a surprise for you." Ash said, I looked at Azura and she was jumping with joy. I tilted my head. I shrugged it off, I was suddenly pulled back into the bathroom by both the girls.
"What the hell?" I said, Ash walked randomly then came back in. "What the..." My eyes bugged out as I saw the most beautiful dress ever. White, strapless, a flower attached to the left side on the waist.


"Don't ask questions, take a shower, then put it on and come out to the bedroom, we will be waiting." Ash smirked. I know if I argue that it will just make everything worse for me and I don't want that right now.

I climbed in the shower once they left the room and took a quick shower. I got out and dried off, then put the dress on. It fit just perfectly, wow... Oh wait, thats right, Ash has lived with me for years. She knows my size. I chuckle at the thought and brushed my hair out, I kept it wet as I was unsure what Ash wanted to do with it.

I walked out into the bedroom and smiled. "BEAUTIFUL!" Azura yelled.

"Thanks, why did you guys get me this?" I asked, sitting on the bed.

"Can't we treat you to something for once? God, Hannah!" Ash sighed, "We are going out, I wanted you to look pretty." Ash smiled. I sighed.


"Let's make you pretty, I mean... Prettier..." Ash joked, grabbing her makeup bag and dumping hundreds of different kinds on Azura's bed. She started almost instantly, I hope she doesn't make me look like a clown.

-About 20 minutes later-

Ash's phone went off and she smiled. "Alright, I gotta go get something, I'll be back in a hour. Try not to mess up your makeup." She told me, I nodded and walked downstairs, Azura hot on my tail as we decided we would play MK9.

We played about, maybe 20 rounds before Ash came back, "Alright, So... we will be leaving in a few minutes..." Ash smiled brightly. I tilted my head slightly as to why she's so happy, I shrug it off and nod.

Ash quickly left the room and soon she came back. "Are you ready?!" She chirped. I nodded and got up off the floor and smiled at Azura.

"See you soon." I smiled. She smiled back and nodded as she started up Fish Frenzy.

Ash lead me to the front door and I walked out, thinking Ash was behind me. I walked out as I pressed on my dress to straighten it. I kept walking down the sidewalk and looked up, My eyes widened and my eyes started to burn with fresh tears.

My Eyes met Ice Blue eyes, a smile bright and happy.

Right in front of me, leaning against the car, was James Ryan Haywood.

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