Chapter 15: Worst & Best Job's (Part 2)

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SOTC: 'PDA' -By Backstreet Boys

We started talking about everyone else's bad jobs they hated and then we took a break after a hour went by.
We ate lunch and then came back and started playing the same game again.
"What was your best job Ryan?" Gavin asked. Shit...
"Uhh... I'd say this one is up there." I stuttered slightly.
Geoff chuckled quickly, "up there with what?"
Shit, I don't want to tell them. I felt embarrassed. "Uhh..." I paused. "Well, I did have a job after the pool thing... that was not bad..." I said, they're going to ask what, son of a bitch.
"What was it?" Gavin said.
"It's been a very short amount of time as a s... uhh..." what do I say? I'm gonna be made fun of. I glanced at Hannah as she was looking my way, this doesn't help. This is not helping, I felt more nervous now.
"Sex line worker?" Gavin asked.
"No... well, almost." I sighed.
"He does not want to say it... as a what?" Geoff said smiling brightly and glancing at me.
"He's a little nervous, yea." Jack said, thanks guys, you're not gonna live this down... I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply.
"Spit it out Ryan!" Gavin shouted, smiling also.
"What was it!?" Ray spoke up.
"I..." I paused, looking over at Hannah as she watched me, waiting for my answer. "Was uhh..." I started to speak quietly... mumbling words out as I felt like I was blushing. "Professional model...." I winced slightly.
The room echoed with laughs as Hannah join in with the crew.
"You're professional model?" Jack said as if he was still processing what I just said.
"You do that here!" Ray shouted.
"Why you always complaining about taking photos for Risinger?" Geoff asked, chuckling.
"Cause I sucked at it." I said carelessly, shrugging.
"If you were a professional, clearly you were decent enough , y'know to get paid for it." Jack spoke up, laughing slightly.
"I didn't get paid a lot for it really, thee-thee," I sighed. "My actual work evolved, uhh, I was in one magazine." I bit my lip slightly, trying to think of the name of it.
"What magazine?" Jack asked.
"Saved by the bell magazine?" Gavin smirked. I shook my head.
"I think it was called twist," I said, Jack started laughing. "Still exists."
"Twist magazine." I confirmed.
"Internet go!" Geoff said.
"Go! Find it!" Gavin giggled.
"Good luck if you can find it, uhh.." I heard rapid typing come from Hannah's direction. I glanced over there, sure enough... she was trying to look for it.
"I'm pretty sure tumblr already found it." Ray spoke up.
"And uhh, and I did one run way show which I was dressed up as a gnome... in a magical forest." Gavin was squealing after I said that, Jack and Geoff joining in.
"I need you Internet! I need you badly!" Geoff begged.
"Oh my God!" Jack laughed.
"Internet, please! Ryan as a gnome!!" Gavin said as Jack started laughing, again.
"Uhh, yea- Same..." Ray shook his head.
"The only good part about the job was that I got to go to New York for a while and Milan for a while, that's when uhh I got mono from Italy it was because I was in Milan."
"Milan, isn't that a movie?" Ray repeated.
"Not-Not Mulan, Milan."
Geoff started laughing, "Ohh I'm so happy."
"Unbelievable.." Gavin mumbled.
"Professional Male Model." Jack sighed.
"I-uh-I used to be cute, I don't know what happened... Age." I sighed.

They started talking about the game again, wanting iron and shovels and shit, oh my god... I hope no one finds those pictures of me in a gnome suit. And maybe they'll stop talking about it...

"You did a runway show?.." Gavin asked, I spoke to soon.
"It was less of a runway, they had us all stood around in this like... I was standing-"
"Gnome stand?" Geoff's voice cracked.
"I was standing on a-"
"Sexy gnome." Geoff held Back and laugh.
"I-uuuhhhh" I sighed.
"HOOOORDE!" Geoff yelled.
"Iunno if it was that sexy.. I was standing on a mushroom." I rolled my eyes. Yet again, Jack and Gavin cracked up laughing.
"It just keeps getting better!" Geoff said, smiling like a idiot.
"On the other hand I did get paid $500 an hour, but-"
"Jesus..." Jack mumbled.
"How come we don't get to do that here?" Ray asked.
"You got $500 an hour to stand on a mushroom..." Gavin said.
"Why the hell are you working here?" Ray asked.
"Why'd you ever stop?" Jack asked, can I please answer one question at a time?
"I sucked at it." I said, shifting again.
"They could shove the mushroom up my ass for $500 an hour." Ray said, Gavin giggling like a idiot.
"I'm pretty sure... I'm pretty con-, see I don't mind saying this because I'm pretty confident that no picture of either of these things Exists."
"You don't know that." Ray said.
"Oh no, they exist." Jack said.
"We got a zombie in the compound." Geoff said, whacking one.
"I'm also sure th-... The company that I worked for uhh, they're mail devision also went under so that part is also gone from the Internet so..."
"If it existed somewhere..." Jack said.

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