Chapter 19: The Fighting Begins...

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SOTC: 'Somebody That I Used To Know' -Pentatonix Version

I woke up pretty late, 1pm to be exact. I groaned and got up, I searched through my suit case and came across one of Ryan's shirts, I smiled and smelled it, surprisingly his scent was still on it.

I put it back and got a tank top and ripped jean shorts and headed for the bathroom. I took a shower and got out, got dressed and made my way downstairs.

"Do you know what time it is?" Mom asked, here we go...

"Yea, why?" I looked at her, not happy.

"It's past 12! You shoulda been awake hours ago! People were in and out of the house asking where you were!" She said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Mom, I was exhausted ok? Chill..." I sighed.

"Hannah! You're not a little kid anymore! You have responsibilities to take care of!"

"Why do you care!?" I snapped, I was not in the mood to be criticized by my mother, why now? "You never cared! Why now!?"

"What do you mean 'Why Now?' I always cared!" She snapped back.

"Bullshit!" I yelled, "You never cared! If you would of cared you would have taken my side! You cared about yourself more than your own child!"

"What are you talking about!?" She yelled.

"You cared about your own health being than your daughter's! I was a nervous wreck when you and dad were fighting every damn night! You never checked on me! Not once!" My eyes started to burn as tears formed, I refused to cry. I wiped my eyes furiously and continued. "You continued to fight with Dad and I even heard you yell at him that I was a no good for nothing brat when I did everything in my power to please you! NEVER were you happy!"

"I don't remember ever calling you that!"

"That's the thing! You never remember anything that you say! You are always acting innocent! When you're not! I didn't even want to come here! I knew we would fight! I thought we could work things out but I was wrong." I wiped my eyes again. "This IS why I left home! I hate fighting! I hate being here! I hate this place!"

I had enough, I stormed out of the room before I would say things that I would of never said, I slammed the front door behind me and walked to my rental car. I heard the front door open and shut again, I didn't dare look back. I fished my keys out angrily. I felt tugging on my shirt and I looked down.

"Where are you going?" Azura asked, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"I'm going to go out for a little while sweetie, I'll be back soon." I sighed, fake smiling.

"Can I come?" She asked.

"No, Not this time ok? When I get back we can play Mortal Kombat or something." I said opening the car door.

"Please sissy..." She begged, How can I say no to her? I sighed and picked her up and put her in the back in her car seat that I put in yesterday. She squealed happily as I put her seat belt on her. I got in the car and started it.

"Wanna go to the park?" I asked, pulling out of the driveway and looking in the rear-view mirror to see her facial expression.

"Can we?! Can we!? Can We!!?!" She smiled brightly, I nodded and chuckled.

"I'll take you to one of my favorite Parks, I used to take the bus to get to it, it's huge!" I smiled, getting on a main road.

"Can we get ice cream too?" She asked, I nodded turning down another street.

That One's Mine! -Ryan Haywood FanficWhere stories live. Discover now