Fuck The Police

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I still have a drafts of my most popular imagines so I'll post these until I can get the ball rolling on some new ones.

This really sucks.



I was under an old bridge trying to finish my masterpiece. Holding my jacket over my nose and mouth to avoid the fumes, I shook my spray paint can to put the finial touches on my art. I really don't understand why graffiti is illegal. It's only art. As long as it's on an old building, bridge, wall, etc that no one uses anymore, then I see no problem with it.


But apparently the police do. RUN!! I quickly grabbed all my things and took off running towards the gate, climbing through the small hole at the bottom. I ran through a random persons backyard and almost got bit by their dog. I heard someone running behind me. "Hey!! Ge-SHIT BAD DOG NO GET DOWN!! GET BACK HERE!!!" the officer screamed. I jumped over their front fence, onto the road. I was almost home. I was just about to turn onto my road when the officer tackled me. "FUCK!! THAT HURT YOU ASSHOLE!!" I yelled.

"You shouldn't have ran." he chuckled. "Fuck you.." I grumbled. My face was still pressed onto the concrete. "Ohhh goodness....you shouldn't say that while we're in this position." he lightly wiggled his hips. It was in that moment that I actually realized what position we were in. I was laying facedown on the ground with him straddling me, his dick directly under my ass.

My face turned red as I felt his.....little friend....press itself against me. The officer stood up and drug me with him, my hands cuffed behind my back. I looked up and was greeted with honey brown eyes and a gorgeous smile.

"Officer Bieber at your service, Ma'am."



I love you my little freaks

Justin Bieber Dirty ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora