Life Of Crime

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"BABY!!" Jason hollered from the basement. "YEAH?!" What could this man possibly want now? "BRING ME MY GUN!! IT'S ON THE COFFEE TABLE!!" Huffing a sigh, I left dinner cooking in the kitchen and headed down to the basement with Jason's favorite gun.

Walking down the basement stops, I hear muffled sounds. Turning the corner, I see a man tied up and bloody in a wooden chair. "Jason?...." I call out. Jason appears next to me and grabs the gun from my hand. "Thanks baby!" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I watched as he checked for bullets and set the gun on a side table.

As I was walking back to the stairs to continue dinner a loud bang ran through the basement. "AHHH!! FUCK, JASON HOW MANY TIMES DO I HACE TO TELL YOU NOT TO KILL IN MY DAMN HOUSE?!?" I screamed. "What did you expect me to do?? He was a rat!! Telling all my business to the fucking Snakes..." he grumbled. "Who was that?... Was that John?! Damn it Jason, I liked John!!" I said. "Well that's too fuckin bad ain't it?" he asked sarcastically.

"Fuck you Jason." I mumbled. "Ohh sweetheart, you already did." he said with a suggestive grin. Flipping him the bird I walked upstairs ignoring his calls all the way and slamming the door. Walking into the kitchen, I hear Jason's angry footsteps following me from down the hall. This happens all the time. Jason kills someone in the house, I get mad, Jason gets mad, we fight, then we have hot, amazing, angry sex. I walk into the kitchen with a smirk on my face as I hear Jason stomp in after me.

Ohhh this is gunna be a great night.....



I love you my little freaks

Justin Bieber Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now