The Roommate

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I heaved a sigh as I leaned on the bathroom door. 'Finally...shower time.' I thought. Placing my clean clothes to the side, I stripped down until I was as bare as the day I was born. "setting the water to the right temperature, I stepped in and began my daily karaoke session.

"Stacie's mom has got it goin on! She's all I want and I've waited for so long, Stacie can't you see you're just not the one for me! I know this might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacie's mom!" I sang loudly

"Stacie do you remember when I mowed your lawn? Your mom came out with just a towel on!" Someone else sang from inside the bathroom. I froze with my hands in the hair, mid-shampoo. The person continued to whistle the lyrics to Stacie's Mom as they moved around in the bathroom. Finally finding the courage to move, I peaked around the curtain.

"JUSTIN WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" I screamed. Justin whipped his head up to look at me and grinned a boyish grin. "Hey!" he said cheerfully. "What are you doing in here? Get out!" I yelled. "But I wanna get clean too." he pouted. "Justin, please just get out." I groaned.

"Nope." Justin shook his head and dropped the towel from around his waist. "Wooooah buddy that's a lot more of you than I ever wanted to see." I said covering my eyes with both of my hands. Taking my hands away from my eyes I noticed that Justin had already stepped into the shower with me.

"C'mon sweetheart," he said slowly walking towards me, "it's shower time."



I love you my little freaks

Justin Bieber Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now