Untitled Part 1

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Jordan was in the lounge of the District working on her homework, she glanced up to see Denny Woods in the squad. She never once liked her father's former partner, he would walk in the squad as if he owned it.

She heard her father's officer door shut knowing that her father and Woods were talking. Five minutes later her father's door opened and Woods left out, getting up from her chair she went to go check on her father.

Hank was in his office sitting in his chair sighing, he was tired and annoyed, he always felt annoyed and irritated after meeting with Denny. The older man didn't want to show that around his daughter because he didn't want her to worry. Jordan peeked in to her father's office and saw him.

"Dad, you alright?" Jordan asked.

"I'm fine sweetheart". Hank replied with a small smile.

The teen knew her father was lying, as she got older she picked on times when her father was lying and this was one of them times. Jordan always knew if her father dealt with Denny he'd be in some kind of mood and not only did it annoy her it pissed her off. She walked in the office and shut the door then sat down across from her father.

"Dad, you shouldn't let him talk to you or treat you like that regardless of his rank is".

"Jo you need to leave this alone this isn't something you need to be involved in".

"How somebody talks to you and treats you I do need to be involved because it's not fair. Woods thinks because of his rank he can get away with talking and treating people the way he does".

"Jordan I'm telling you one time leave it alone. It's not for you to be involved in".

Usually she wouldn't back down from her father but for the moment she would, the teen then had an idea. If her father wouldn't do anything or say anything to Woods then she will.

By the next day Jordan went to school and left but instead of going to the District just like she always did she walked to the bus stop. Pulling her phone out she called her father.

-Hey sweetheart. Hank answered.

-Hey dad, um I'm gonna head home I'm not feeling so great. I'm gonna go home and rest, I know to keep the doors locked, don't answer it for anybody unless it's someone we know.

-Alright. Text me when you get home to let me know you're safe.

-Ok. Love you dad.

-Love you too Jo.

Hanging up her phone Jordan got on the bus and headed downtown to see her father's former partner. Arriving to the building taking a deep breath the teen headed inside and saw the secretary.

"Hi can I help you". The lady asked.

"Yes I'm looking for Denny Woods". Jordan replied.

"Is he expecting you?"


"You're name?"

"Jordan Voight".

"You're Hank's daughter".

"Yes ma'am I am".

"Follow me please".

The secretary brought Jordan up to Denny's office. Denny Woods was just finishing up the paperwork on his desk when there was a knock on his door.

"Come in". He called out.

"Mr. Woods you have a visitor". She replied.

"Send them in".

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