Untitled Part 4

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Hank was so pissed that words couldn't describe how he felt. This woman thought he would abuse his own little girl. He'd die before he would ever lay a finger on his baby. There was no thought in his mind that Denny did this.

"I would never in my life raise a hand to my daughter. I'd die before I ever hit her". Hank stated sharply.

"Sergeant, I have a couple of hospital reports here. The first one was when Jordan was eight she was admitted to Lakeshore with a sprained wrist and a busted lip, care to explain that". Kaylee said.

"My son was watching her that day, they were at the skate park and she was doing a trick and she fell. That's how she got the sprained wrist and busted lip".

Kaylee nodded not really believing him but continued. "The second one, she was ten she was admitted here at Med for a broken arm and bruised ribs. Care to explain that one".

"Jordan was climbing a tree in the backyard, she slipped on one of the branches and fell".

"Now Jordan was recently brought in, her injuries were a black eye, busted lip, and her midsection was bruised".

"She was just arrested and jumped in a jail cell".

Kaylee wrote it down in her notebook, she had an unimpressed look on her face as she looked up at the older Sergeant.

"Sergeant until there is a full investigation to determine that there is no abuse or anything else going on, Jordan is going into the custody of DCFS".

Adam remained by Jordan's bedside, he sat there for the past fifteen minutes, he kept glancing at the teen hoping she would wake up. He hoped that they found her in time and not too late. A moment later the Intelligence team and Trudy marched into Med.

Alvin only told them that Jordan was in the hospital but never said what for, it made the rest of the team furious and also curious. Why was Jordan in the hospital? What was going on? Had someone done this to her? Before heading over with the rest of the group Alvin had pulled his phone out calling someone.

"Hey, it's Jordan. It's bad, she needs all the help she can get right now. You need to come back".

By this point the rest of the team got Jordan's room and headed there, when they all seen the teen laying in the hospital with wires and tubes and her wrist bandaged heavily. It broke them to see her like that. Hailey didn't know the teen very well but it did sadden her to see Jordan like that. Antonio knocked getting Adam's attention.

Adam looked over to his his team there, a painful look on his face as he looked at them. Everybody seen the tears in his eyes.

"Hey guys". Adam says, pain clearly filled his voice.

"Is Jo alright?" Kevin asked.

"They said she was gonna be fine, she's hooked up to an IV and blood".

"What the hell happened". Antonio spoke, his voice was hard and full of anger.

Adam made a small glance over at Alvin then back to the teen, they couldn't find out because if they did that whole team would make it their life mission to end Denny once and for all and by the time they were finished the man would be a cold case for many years.

"A kid at school said something to her about Justin and it caused her to relapse".

"What's this kid's name?" Hailey asked.

"She never said, I found her on the other side of the city. Jo was drunk and she lost a lot of blood from when she cut her wrist".

They were all furious and saddened to hear this, Trudy made her way over to her goddaughter and sat by her side as she brushed her hair back. She looked to the team with tears and anger in her eyes.

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