Untitled Part 8

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The whole team was pissed off, Hank had tried to get a hold of Denny but Kenny and Antonio had to pull him away from Woods. Erin was ready to go after him but Jay had stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Hey incase you haven't noticed, Jordan is the daughter of a Chicago Police Officer, a Sergeant to be exact. This is a top priority case and we're gonna find her whether you like it or not". Antonio snapped.

Jordan was his niece and Wood expected them to just sit by and do nothing? He was about to go over and clock him next.

"The case is being handed off, so as of this moment stop looking for her unless you all want to be looking for new jobs". Denny told the whole team. He then looked at Hank. "It'll be in your best interest to just drop it unless you'd like to see what a prison cell looks like again".

Hank then went over and roughly yanked Denny up getting in his face. "If anything happens to my daughter I swear on everything, you're going down for it. I told you before Denny you want me fine, come at me. Tear me down I don't give a damn what you do to me, but when you started bringing Jordan into this that's where you crossed the line. That's one line you never cross with me".

"She should have kept her nose out of our business".

"This is bullshit". Antonio mumbled.

Denny then looked over to the senior detective. "What was that Detective Dawson?"

"I said that this is bullshit! Every second we waste that's another second something happens to Jordan. I don't care what it cost me nothing's gonna stop me from looking for my niece. Fire me. Suspend me. I don't care you're not gonna stop us from finding Jordan".

"Let me make myself very clear, if this unit pursues this case and attempts to find Jordan I will have this whole unit shut down and all of you assigned to patrol". He then looked back to Hank once more. "And if you pursue this I'll make sure you're stripped of you're badge, put in jail, and you'll never see you're precious little girl ever again".

The older man was close to throwing Denny down the stairs and wanted to beat him until he said where Jordan was, Hank had to physically force himself to let go of his old partner and stormed to his office slamming the door. The team didn't blame him for being pissed off.

Denny then left the squad and Adam chased after him they were outside of the District, the older man looked back at the young Detective.

"Where is she?" Adam demanded.

"I have no idea what you're talking about". Denny replied.

"You and I both know if Jordan doesn't say anything they'll kill her then her death will be on you and if she dies, Voight and the rest of us won't stop coming after you. She's a kid man, an innocent kid she's scared right now".

"All of you need to learn that Jordan isn't so innocent as she seems to be, sooner or later you're all gonna face the fact that she's gonna end up just like her father. Weak, alone, broken, no one to care for her anymore, no one to love her anymore".

"Jo's a kid man, she's going to die if we don't find her does that not mean anything to you?"

"Not really".

"You really are one sick twisted bastard".

"I've been told".

"What do you want? What's it gonna take to get Jordan back?"

"Nothing. Jordan made her bed let her bleed in it"

"You son of a bitch!"

Adam yanked up the older man viciously glaring at him, he then gave an evil smirk.

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