Untitled Part 3

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Warning: Mentions of underage drinking and suicide! Don't like, don't read!

Get the tissues ready!


Adam was at Voight's house keeping an eye on Jordan, as soon as he seen her he was pissed. He knew this was Wood's doing, he felt anger and guilt through this his body. How could he go that far to do that to Jordan? He was broken out of his thoughts by Jordan coming down the stairs.

"Hey kiddo, you alright". Adam says.

"Just a tad sore, I'll be fine". Jordan answered, her voice was a little weak.

"I'm sorry Jo. I should have protected you better".

"Adam you couldn't have known this was gonna happen, I didn't think Woods would go this far. Look I understand why you did what you did, he threatened you're family why do you think I did what I did? He threatened my dad. I'm not about to lose the only parent and family I have left over an ass like him, nobody messes with my family and gets away with it".

"I hope you're dad knows what to do".

"Believe me he could already have something in the works, you'll never know hell I might not know".

"So what he plant on you?"

"Some coke and drug money, luckily because my prints or DNA wasn't on any of it they released me. That and my dad was about to raise hell then kick a few people's ass".

"They actually put you in with the criminals".

"Yeah. I'm just lucky that nobody knew who my dad was if they knew, I may not be alive right now. I love my dad to death but it's hard sometimes people look at me and treat me differently, all they do is hear my last name and they either run the other way or they're stupid enough to try something. At school that's how kids see me, a cop's kid. I get into trouble with a call it's like whatever happened never happened that's why I don't have friends. Theo he sticks by me through everything".

"You like this kid?"

"Even if I did there's no way I'm telling you or any of the guys. I got all the friends and family I need, I have you guys, everyone at 51 and Med. I don't need anybody else".

"You realize after what happened you're dad ain't gonna let you leave his sight right".

"I bet my allowance on it. Adam you guys may think you know my dad but I know him better than all of you, he's not gonna let me out of his sight. And if he won't let me leave his sight Woods won't be able to get anywhere near me but knowing him he'll find a way they always do".

"Jo no matter what he says or does don't believe a word he says, he's trying to get under your skin to break you".

"I won't let him break me, there's nothing he can use to break me".

Adam swallowed hard, he wasn't going to tell her that Woods knows about her drinking and cutting habits. That would break her and possibly send her back to rock bottom. It took a good while to her back to normal after that they don't wanna see it again, they won't see it again. They refused to see Jordan hit rock bottom again.

"You're a tough kid, Jo".

"I know. After all I am my father's child, my dad's one of the toughest people I know".

"Were gonna get him, he's not gonna do anything else to you ever again. He won't hurt you anymore, he'll leave all of us alone".

"I should have listened to my dad, I should have stayed out of it but I didn't. I never meant to cause any trouble all I wanted to do was protect my dad".

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