Untitled Part 14

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Jordan was on the floor as blood was coming from her head, the teen was barely conscious.

"K....Kev...A...Adam...help". Jordan slurred.

Kevin and Adam were walking around since they couldn't find Jordan, all of a sudden they both got a gut feeling something was really wrong. They turned down the hallway where the teen's cell was when they turned and saw Jordan on the floor half conscious and blood coming from her head they rushed over to her.

"Jordan!" Adam yelled.

They got by her and Kevin gently took her head he felt something warm and wet on his hand and fingers, he looked to see her blood now covering his hand.

"We gotta get her out of here". Kevin spoke shakily.

"Jo, come on sweetie wake up". Adam says, taping her cheeks.

The teen could barely focus, her eyes were getting heavier and heavier.

"H...hurts". Jordan whimpers.

"Come on sweetheart get up".


"No Jo, you gotta stay awake for us kiddo. Stay awake".


Adam scooped the teen up cradling her to his chest, the whole time her blood was covering his clothes. Kevin was in front of them rushing to get out of the center. Jordan was still trying to focus but it was getting harder and harder.

"A...Adam....m sorry...didn't mean it". She slurred.

"It's not your fault sweetie, I should have protected you better". Adam spoke softly.


"It's gonna be ok".

Jordan kept fighting closing her eyes but they kept growing heavier by the minute. Adam freaked out when he saw her eyes closing.

"No Jo, you gotta stay awake honey".


"Yes you can I know you can".


"Five what honey?"


"Kev step on it".

Kevin pressed his foot down on the gas pedal going faster, when Adam looked to his partner Jordan had shut her eyes and he looked back at her horrified.

"Jordan, sweetheart? Jo! Wake up sweetie come on wake up". He was taping her cheeks.

He checked her pulse and it was weak but steady.

"How is she?" Kevin asked.

"Pulse is weak but steady".

"We're almost there".

"Come on Jo, wake up sweetie come on wake up you gotta wake up now". Adam says as he tapped her cheeks.

A moment later they arrived to Med, Kevin got out quickly and opened the door he tried to get the teen out of Adam's hold.

"Let me get her man". Kevin tells his partner.

"I got her". Adam replies shakily.

"Adam, I'll get her".

Kevin then took a hold of his boss's daughter and rushed her inside while Adam was frozen where he stood. Was Jordan alright? Would she live? Would she die? He looked to see her blood covering his clothes with a shaky hand he pulled his phone out and dialed Jay.

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